Off-axis illumination (OAI) is one of the three major resolution enhancement technologies that have enabled optical lithography to push practical resolution limits far beyond what was once thought possible (the others being phase shifting masks and optical proximity corrections).
Lecture 58: What have we Learned? •What are the three main RET approaches? •How does OAI improve resolution? •How does OAI improve depth of focus? •What phase-shift do we want in a mask to produce destructive interference? •Which PSM approach is most common in manufacturing today?
Photolithography - OAI
OAI Model 656 Meter is designed for use with all mask aligners and flood exposure systems. For over 45 years, OAI is a world...
Large field size operation (1.2mm) with nano-lithography performance. Takes advantage of the quantum mechanical properties of electrons. Why can’t we write 100 Å lines when the beam width is 100 Å?
Photo Lithography 光刻工艺 (2) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Oct 7, 2021 · Off-Axis Illumination (OAI) 离轴照明: 可以增加DOF 的技术。 离轴照明实际上是一种两束光成像技术,即通过调整光线在掩模上的入射角,只有两束(0,+1或-1)衍射光被投影透镜收集,并在晶圆表面成像,离轴照明的特点是没有沿主光轴方向传播的光。 如右图所示,故意从透镜的一侧入射光线,则两束光线会聚焦在投影透镜上,DOF 增加。 离轴照明最大的优点是能提高聚焦深度;离轴照明最大的问题是,所收集的衍射光束是不对称的,0级衍射光的光强远大 …
•How does oblique illumination affect the diffraction pattern? •What is the Rayleigh resolution criterion? •What are the minimum values of k1 for 2-beam and 3-beam imaging? •What is off-axis illumination? • Resolution for lines and spaces can be (simply) defined as the smallest feature that allows two diffracted orders to pass through the lens.
Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography (EUVL) is the most promising candidate for sub-22 nm node and beyond. One of the critical challenges in EUVL is the shadow effect caused by EUV light illumination with oblique incidence angle of 6° due to an asymmetric structure of EUVL scanner.
(PDF) Reduction of isolated-dense bias by optimization off-axis ...
Jul 1, 1999 · With KrF and off-axis illumination (OAI) technique we should set up 150nm lithography process without using phase shift mask. But isolated-dense bias (ID bias) makes 150nm lithography process...
Jun 13, 2013 · Illumination (OAI, CI) Activities in Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) Field: 26mmx1.5mm NA0.25~NA0.33 Supported by NSTMP & MOE. Ref. Proc. SPIE 8679(2013), Opt. Rev.20, (2013), EUVL workshop 2013
OAI patterns and freeform lenses obtained: (a) quasar mode 1,...
Off-axis illumination (OAI) is a promising resolution-enhancement technology in optical lithography. This paper aims to provide some practical OAI solutions for optical lithography by using...
Tri-layer contact photolithography process for high-resolution …
Mar 15, 2021 · A UV contact lithography process is presented based on a tri-layer litho stack. The stack enables diffraction-limited exposure of photoresist in a mask aligner. The stack decouples the development of the photoresist and lift-off layers.
Off axis illumination (OAI) is a common resolution enhancement technique in optical lithography. Various shapes of OAI are shown in Figure 1. They are used for different type of pattern.
OAI is a Silicon Valley-based manufacturer of advanced precision equipment for the Semiconductor, MEMS, Microfluidics, and PV / Solar industries. We offer a broad portfolio of field-proven products that include Mask Aligners, UV Exposure Systems, UV Light Sources, UV Measurement Instruments, Resistivity Meters, Solar Simulators, I-V Testers and ...
Glossary of Lithography Terms - O
Off-Axis Illumination (OAI) Illumination which has no on-axis component, i.e., which has no light that is normally incident on the mask. Examples of off-axis illumination include annular and quadrupole illumination.
Freeform lens arrays for off-axis illumination in an optical ...
We propose a method of designing a freeform lens array for off-axis illumination (OAI) in optical lithography to produce desired OAI patterns and improve efficiency.
What designers should know about RET – Computational …
Apr 29, 2021 · Each RET approach is addressing an independent variable of the optical wave: direction (OAI), amplitude (OPC), and phase (PSM). Off-axis illumination (OAI) improves resolution by illuminating the reticle with light off the optical axis of the stepper lens.
Freeform surface off-axis illumination design with the …
Off-axis illumination (OAI) is a promising resolution-enhancement technology in optical lithography. This paper aims to provide some practical OAI solutions for optical lithography by using freeform surfaces. An integrated Monge–Ampère (MA) equation method is presented here to find these solutions.
Freeform lens for off-axis illumination in optical lithography system
Jun 1, 2011 · A method of designing a freeform lens for off-axis illumination (OAI) in an optical lithography system is proposed in this paper. Based on the Snell's law and conservation law of energy, a series of first-order partial differential equations are deduced.
Freeform lens for off-axis illumination in optical lithography system
Jun 1, 2011 · A method of designing a freeform lens for off-axis illumination (OAI) in an optical lithography system is proposed in this paper. Based on the Snell's law and conservation law of energy , a series of first-order partial differential equations are deduced.
Forbidden pitch improvement using modified illumination in …
Jan 12, 2009 · In this paper, a modification to conventional OAI shape is proposed to minimize the effect of forbidden pitch. The modification is based on the interaction of illumination source with pattern density. The modified source employs double annular illumination.
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