long haired pug? | Puppy Forum and Dog Forums
May 1, 2010 · Mating two long-coated dogs together will produce 100 % long coats. However, a mutation of this gene from long-coat to smooth-coat is also known in salukis: in Finland there is an example of two feathered salukis having produced a smooth-coated puppy. This is how smooth-coated Afghan puppies may be born out of long-coated parents.
What breed/Persuasion? | Puppy Forum and Dog Forums
Jan 18, 2008 · General Dog Forums. General Dog Forum
...How do I handle my brother harassing my dog?
Aug 19, 2009 · The trick is, Belle looks at me as her little protector. So when I yell at my brother to stop it, Belle grows at him - and then my brother's defensive pug snaps and goes after HER, and my brother erupts in laughter. The pug will also scratch and bite at ME to get to Belle, so I've been bruised by this, too.
Has anybody ever shaved their long hair large breed?
Jan 27, 2008 · Advanced Search Cancel ...
Pug has splotches of hair missing on his back
Jun 1, 2011 · Pug has splotches of hair missing on his back. Jump to Latest Follow ...
Shih Tzu Does your pet have short hair or long?
Dec 19, 2006 · One for long hair. Gizmo has long hair. It's not completely down to the floor like the show dogs, however it's as long as it could grow in his 10mths of life (it must take a long time to get to the floor). He does get groomed regularly (they give us …
Will my mix puppy have long or short hair?
Oct 23, 2019 · When I got my MiniS at 8 weeks old, I thought he was black & white. As he grew, his coat changed to salt & pepper. Now, I clip his hair he has changed to be more of a silver grey and white. Looking back at early pictures of him as a pup compared to now, I would think someone swapped dogs on me. He never did grow much of a double coat.
Shaving long haired dogs, when is it ok?
Feb 26, 2008 · Advanced Search Cancel ...
Long hair and pee getting into pants | Puppy Forum and Dog …
May 18, 2010 · General Dog Forums. Dog Grooming Forum
Can you tell if my new puppy will have long/medium/short hair?
Jul 17, 2014 · We love putting bows on our maltipoo and would love to for this puppy too but i'm not sure her hair will ever be long enough. We will love her either way but just thought it would be fun to know or have some advice. Her mom has a medium coat and its more wire looking but in her past 2 litters theyve all grown to have more hair than mom.