Lord Zedd | RangerWiki | Fandom
Jan 12, 2013 · Lord Zedd, referring to himself as the Emperor of Evil, is the true leader of the Evil Space Aliens and one of the two main antagonists of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, one of …
Lord Zedd | Villains Wiki | Fandom
Lord Zedd, the self-proclaimed Emperor of Evil, is the main antagonist of the Power Rangers franchise. He is a tyrannical alien warlord, the true master of the Evil Space Aliens and the …
Lord Zedd (2016 comic) | RangerWiki | Fandom
Lord Zedd is an evil emperor and Rita Repulsa and her minions' master. After the events of Beyond the Grid, he replaced Rita as the primary antagonist, starting with the Necessary Evil …
Lord Zedd (The Return) | RangerWiki | Fandom
Lord Zedd was an evil emperor from space who threatened the Earth and the Power Rangers in the alternate universe series, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return. He married Rita …
Lord Zedd - Everything Power Rangers Wiki
Lord Zedd was a major villain in the Power Rangers franchise and was the true leader of the Evil Space Aliens. He was the main antagonist of Season 2, one of the two main antagonists of …
Power Rangers: 10 Things Fans Need To Know About Lord Zedd
May 26, 2020 · Lord Zedd came into the world of the rangers in the second season, and proceeded to destroy Megazords, turn a piranha into a doomsday monster and change the …
Lord Zedd - Mighty Morphin Wiki
Lord Zedd is a impossing figure standing with his muscles exposed and metallic exoskeleton. Despite his appearance he was a capable fighter easily besting Tommy in a short battle. …
Lord Zedd - Fictional Characters Wiki
Lord Zedd is a fictional villain from the TV series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers who was introduced at the beginning of the show's second season. Unlike Rita Repulsa, the show's …
Lord Zedd | Non-Disney Villain Wiki | Fandom
Lord Zedd is a major villain from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series and recurring through Power Rangers Zeo and Power Rangers in Space. He was played by Ed Neil, with Robert …
Lord Zedd - Antagonists Wiki
Lord Zedd is the primary antagonist in the TV series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. He was introduced at the beginning of the show's second season as a new antagonist.