Caulifla and kale vs goku - Dragon Ball Universe - Comic Vine
Jul 7, 2017 · LSSJ Kale < 10000 - 15000. SSJ Cabba = 5000. SSJ Goku = 7500 - 12500. SSJ2 Goku = 15000 - 25000. SSJ3 Goku = 60000 - 100000. Conclusion: Goku may not likely beat …
Which form is overall more powerful, SSJ2 or LSSJ?
Feb 17, 2020 · @rukelnikovftw: Like I said already. In the movie Broly second coming, he bashed adult super Saiyan 2 gohan, Super Saiyan Gohan, Trunks and Super Saiyan 2 Goku who …
LSSJ Goku potential - Gen. Discussion - Comic Vine
LSSJ Goku potential XxAnimusx2016. Follow 35. Forum Posts. 0. Wiki Points. 0. Followers. Reviews: 0. User Lists: 0 #1 Edited By XxAnimusx2016. Instead of Broly being the Legendary …
SSJ3 Goku vs LSSJ Broly - Battles - Comic Vine
Mar 16, 2015 · Equalizing canon, Goku stomps in just SS2 tbh, basically an hypothetical SS2 Goku from the movie. It's a fact that Gohan, Goten and Goku are stronger in movie canon, and …
Majin Vegeta, SSJ2 Goku, SSJ2 Gohan, and Base Gotenks vs LSSJ …
This will be a close fight. Broly's power level has been stated to be 1,400,000,000 from V-Jump, compared to Kid Buu's 1,150,000,000, and SSJ2 Baby Vegeta at ...
MUI Goku vs Broly (DBS Movie) - Battles - Comic Vine
Mastered Ultra Instinct for Goku. round 1: Goku has a his limited time in MUI. round 2: Goku has unlimited time in MUI. ... DBS Broly full power LSSJ is losing to UI Omen let alone MUI.
Gohan and Cell Vs Goku and Broly - Battles - Comic Vine
Oct 27, 2023 · R1) DBZ SSJ2 Kid Gohan and SPC Vs Movie 8 SSJ Goku and LSSJ Broly. R2) DBS Beast Gohan and Cell Max Vs TUI Goku and LSSJ Broly. Morals OFF Battle in the …
LSSJ Brolly >>> SS2 Goku, SS2 Gohan and SSJ Goten. That's the fact of the matter. Vegeta never displayed anything that would even remotely place him on Brolly's level. Even by Power …
MUI Goku and Beerus vs LSSJ Broly and LB Jiren - Comic Vine
Jan 23, 2019 · But even if Broly in his LSSJ form manages to hold his own against Beerus, it's still gonna be 1v2 once MUI Goku beats Jiren. So yeah, MUI Goku and Beerus for me. 4 years ago
Broly vs UI Goku - Battles - Comic Vine
Jan 18, 2019 · It doesn't matter which stage of UI Omen this is, Broly even at LSSJ isn't touching Goku. Think about it. Ikari Broly was trading blows with SSB Goku, and SSJ Broly was trading …