Lugworm - The Wildlife Trusts
When the tide goes out, coiled 'casts' can be found at the tail end of lugworm burrows. Look out for a small depression in the sand at the head end where the worm has ingested the sand. The worms themselves are variable in colour from black or brown to pink or green.
Arenicola - Wikipedia
A.cristata is the dominant warm-water lugworm on the shores of North America and Humboldt Bay, California. A. caroledna dominates in China and Japan while Arenicola marina is mostly found in Europe & UK, up to Norway.
Live Lugworm – Online Bait Express
Live Lugworm Bait. Color: Green or Orange. Weight: 50g per pack. Quantity: Ranges based on size. Average about 12/pack. Use: Fishing bait. Works for both saltwater and freshwater. Species caught: Surf perch (multiple different species), croakers, corbina, stripped bass, rays, sharks, halibut, sturgeon and white sea bass.
Lugworm | Marine, Burrowing, Annelid | Britannica
lugworm, (genus Arenicola), any of several marine worms (class Polychaeta, phylum Annelida) that burrow deep into the sandy sea bottom or intertidal areas and are often quite large. Fishermen use them as bait.
Lugworms ~ MarineBio Conservation Society
Lugworms, Arenicola marine (Linnaeus, 1758), also known as rock worms and the blow lug, are often confused with a similar species—the black lug, A. defodiens. Lugworms are burrow-dwelling annelid worms and can reach densities as high as 100-150 per square meter in …
A large, subsurface deposit eating polychaete; elongated body, tapered at both ends; coloration ranges from yellow and green to brown. Midsection has several pairs of bright red branched gills (Kozloff 1983). Young worms have pigmented photoreceptors, but adults lack these organs (Bleidorn et al. 2004).
Lugworm | The Great Fen
The worms themselves are variable in colour from black or brown to pink or green. Found on sandy and muddy shores all round our coasts. Did you know? There are 2 species of worm on our shores referred to as the "lugworm": the Blow Lug and the Black Lug, which you can tell apart from their casts.
Lugworm - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The lugworm (Arenicola marina), also known as the javierdediegoworm, is a large marine worm of the phylum Annelida. Lugworms make the coiled tubes of sand that are a familiar sight on a beach at low tide.
Lugworm - British Wildlife Wiki | Fandom
The Lugworm, (Arenicola marina), can grow up to 25cm long. It is common in muddy estuaries and burrows around tidemarks. It feeds through a proboscis pushed out from the mouth to catch material in muddy sand. When fully grown, the lugworm of the coasts of Europe is up to 9 inches long and 3/8ths...
Lugworm - Kent Wildlife Trust
The worms themselves are variable in colour from black or brown to pink or green. Did you know? There are 2 species of worm on our shores referred to as the "lugworm": the Blow Lug and the Black Lug, which you can tell apart from their casts.
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