Lungs Emoji - Emojipedia
Pink anatomical lungs and trachea, shown with bronchial tubes on some platforms. Used in medical contexts to talk about lung health. Sometimes used in reference to taking deep breaths, hyperventilating, or breathing in general. Also used in the context of smoking or vaping.
Lungs Emoji - EmojiTerra
The lungs emoji 🫁 depicts a stylized representation of human lungs. It is typically used to refer to breathing, respiratory health, and the lungs as an organ. It can be employed in discussions about exercise, healthcare, or air quality, and sometimes as a symbol of life or vitality.
Lungs Emoji – Meaning, Pictures, Codes – EmojiGuide
Use symbol 🫁 to copy and paste Lungs Emoji or 🫁 code for HTML. This emoji has no gender or skin tone variations. Lungs emoji is mature enough and should work on all devices. You can get similar and related emoji at the bottom of this page. 🫁 usage examples on Twitter; 🫁 pictures on Instagram; 🫁 videos on YouTube; Emoji name ...
Lungs Emoji — Dictionary of Emoji, Copy & Paste - Emojis Wiki
Lungs Emoji is an anatomically correct representation of the human lungs. This emoji can be used to represent your breathing capabilities. It can also be used to represent the lungs themselves for medical or personal reasons.
Lungs emoji - Meaning, Copy and Paste
What does the 🫁 Lungs emoji mean. 🫁 Lungs is pink trachea and dissected lungs, shown with bronchi on some platforms. 🫁 Lungs is used in medicine to talk about lung health and is sometimes used for hyperventilation or deep breathing. Related emoji: 🫀🧠. Copy and paste the emoji
Lungs Emoji - Meaning, copy & paste | EmojiSymbols.net
The “🫁 Lungs” emoji represents the human lungs, the vital organs responsible for breathing and oxygenating the blood. This emoji is often used in contexts related to respiratory health, such as discussions about lung diseases, breathing exercises, and overall wellness.
Lungs Emoji | Emojiguide
The lungs emoji is designed like the anatomical heart emoji, where it looks cool and realistic. This emoji shows the two pink human lungs so that people can get a good idea of what a healthy human lung looks like.
Lungs Emoji - Emojigraph
An anatomically correct representation of the human lungs. Often used to denote breathing capabilities or incapabilities. Emoji 🫁 Lungs meanings. Copy and paste 🫁 Lungs Emoji for Iphone, Android and get HTML codes.
- Lung Emoji: Meaning, Usage & Examples - emojizoo.com
The 🫁 emoji symbolizes healthy breathing and respiratory functions. It can also represent air, oxygen, and the importance of clean air environments. The emoji may symbolize medical conditions or treatments related to the lungs, such as pneumonia, asthma, or even COVID-19.
meaning: lungs Emoji | EmojiAll
Breathe life into your conversations with the 🫁 "Lungs" emoji, a symbol that emphasizes health, respiration, and vitality. This emoji features a pair of human lungs, which are essential organs for breathing.
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