Lycogala conicum - New Zealand Plant Conservation Network
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Lycogala conicum - iNaturalist
Lycogala conicum is a species of protozoans with 56 observations
Lycogala conicum - hiddenforest.co.nz
Presently only the one known collection has been found in NZ. SPORES: In mass, yellowish-grey or ochraceous 5-7 µm diam., covered with a fine reticulum of narrow ridges interrupted at the germination area. PLASMODIUM: Rose-red, in rotten wood. HABITAT: On rotten wood.
Lycogala conicum Pers., 1801 - GBIF
Leontyev D., Ishchenko Y., & Schnittler M. (2023) Fifteen new species from the myxomycete genus Lycogala. Mycologia, 115(4), 524-560 https://doi.org/10.1080/00275514.2023.2199109
Lycogala conicum Pers. 1801 - Biota of NZ - Manaaki Whenua
Taxonomic and nomenclatural information for the scientific name: Lycogala conicum. Provided by Ngā Harore o Aotearoa through the Biota of NZ.
Abstract: Two Lycogala species were reported for the first time in mangroves. Lycogala conicum was seen in the Philippine Mangrove forest and just recently, Lycogala epidendrum has been recorded in the Brazilian Mangrove Environment.
These include currently recognized species such as L. conicum Pers., L. leiosporum Reichardt, and L. flavofuscum (Ehrenb.) Rostaf., but also taxa synonymized with L. epidendrum, such as L. terrestre Pers.
Blutmilchpilz, Milchstäubling, Blutpilz (LYCOGALA EPIDENDRUM)
Wenn die Fruchtkörper länglich-oval hochgestreckt sind, ist es der Konische Blutmilchpilz (= LYCOGALA CONICUM) sehr selten. Die meisten Schleimpilze sind meist – wenn überhaupt – nur mikroskopisch bestimmbar. Der Blutmilchpilz ist hier eine Ausnahme, da …
Of the four species of Lycogala recognized here, the distinctions between three of them, while not entirely sharp, are fairly clear. L. flavofuscum (Ehrenb.) Rost., with its usually large aethalia, thick, rather hard and nearly smooth cortex, very coarse pseudocapillitium and rather large spores, is the most distinctive. L. conicum, with its
Lycogala conicum - pilzflora-ehingen.de
Artportrait von Lycogala conicum mit Makro-, Mikrofotos und Angaben zur Verbreitung im Ehinger Raum
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