Lycogala exiguum - iNaturalist
Scientists address this problem by using a single "scienti... The conservation status summarizes the risk of extinction for a group of organisms. More. "Establishment means" describes how a …
Lycogala exiguum - mushrooms of Eastern Texas
Lycogala exiguum is a small, orange to yellowish-orange slime mold that grows on decaying wood, especially oak and pine. In East and Central Texas, it typically fruits from spring to fall, often in shaded, humid areas with abundant organic matter.
Abstract: The paper provides data on the location of type collections of 19 species of Lycogala. Data on the type and the author's collections of L. confusum, L. exiguum, and L. fuscoviolaceum, the neotype of L. epidendrum, and also holotypes of 15 recently described species are listed. Keywords: herbarium, holotype, lectotype, neotype, taxonomy
Lycogala exiguum Morgan, 1893 - GBIF
Lycogala exiguum Morgan, 1893 in GBIF Secretariat (2023). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/39omei accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-03-15.
LYCOGALA EXIGUUM1 G. W. Martin (with 6 figures) In his original description of this species, Morgan, J. Cinc. Soc. Nat. Hist. 15: 134. 1893, stressed the small size and dark color of the aethalia and, somewhat incidentally, the slenderness of the "tubules," i.e., the strands of the pseudocapillitium. Lycogala miniatum var.
What are Lycogala confusum and L. exiguum? Revising authentic ...
The myxomycete species Lycogala exiguum and L. confusum were formally described by A.P. Morgan and N.E. Nannenga-Bremekamp ex Ing in 1893 and 1999. We here present a critical analysis of authentic material of these species using a recently developed species concept.
Lycogala Exiguum: Mycologia: Vol 59, No 1 - Taylor & Francis …
Sep 12, 2018 · It can be separated from L. epidendrum not only on the basis of its small size and dark color, which are not completely distinctive, but also by its slender, weakly sculptured, often hypha-like pseudocapillitium, its somewhat smaller and less strongly reticulate spores, and by its distinctive warts, which begin as pustular bodies with homogeneou...
VIRTUAL MYCOTA: NZ Fungi Identification: Lycogala exiguum
More recently, Nannenga-Bremekamp (1991) and Ing (1999) have suggested that forms previously assigned to L. epidendrum var. tessellatum be segregated from L. exiguum and assigned to a distinct species (L. confusum), which Ing (1999) described.
Lycogala exiguum Morgan, 1893-Overview
Introduction to Lycogala exiguum: scientific and common names, protected status (red lists, regulations), biological status in France, historical and contemporary.
Lycogala exiguum Morgan - GBIF
Lycogala exiguum Morgan Dataset GBIF Backbone Taxonomy Rank SPECIES Published in J. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist. 15: 134 (1893) Classification kingdom Protozoa phylum Mycetozoa ...
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