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The Carbine as SBR - milsurps.com
Aug 13, 2016 · Fortunately, the M1 carbine does not seem too finicky. It continues to give me reliable service. I would NEVER consider doing this to a G.I. carbine, almost no matter how beat up that rifle would be.
The Carbine as SBR - milsurps.com
Aug 18, 2016 · I know not everyone will like this subject, but I have always been enamored of the .30 carbine as an SBR when first spotting a cut down version in some vintage photos from the …
Two old babe`s at the range - milsurps.com
May 31, 2009 · Yesterday i was shooting my two old ladies at 100 m. The first pic was my Winchester M1917 and the second my Savge No.4 MK1*. At the Winchester i did correct the windage so there are two nice groups. The LE was tested with relodet ammo a 180grs. S&B FMJ with 37.8grains of VV N140. Ithink that works very good.