Nebula Photos - M45, The Pleiades
M45 is a reflection nebula and open star cluster in Taurus that I captured here with a modified DSLR, and a small telescope with a focal length of 360mm. It was shot in Southern Pennsylvania at Frank Colosimo's Blue Mountain Observing Field.
M45 Stacked | Deep Sky Workflows by Jeremy Likness
Jan 11, 2025 · Astrophotography for everyone: images, videos, and articles about space, nebulae, galaxies, planets, telescopes, and how to take and process deep space images from your own backyard. M45 Stacked This work is licensed under:
Messier 45 (The Pleiades) - Science@NASA
Sep 12, 2024 · Commonly called the Pleiades or Seven Sisters, M45 is known as an open star cluster. It contains over a thousand stars that are loosely bound by gravity, but it is visually dominated by a handful of its brightest members.
The Pleiades Star Cluster | Pictures, Location, and Facts
One of the benefits of shooting Pleiades with a DSLR camera is the ability to focus using the bright stars of M45. Unlike many faint nebulae and globular clusters in the night sky, Pleiades is easy to find and shows up well on your camera’s live view screen.
Messier 45 - The Pleiades Star Cluster - galactichunter
Oct 15, 2020 · The Pleiades Star Cluster (M45) is a fantastic Astrophotography target for beginners. See images of our progress over the years and find our acquisition details.
The Pleiades – or 7 Sisters – known around the world - EarthSky
Nov 14, 2024 · Or, to some, it’s known as Messier 45 (M45) on the list of Messier objects. The Pleiades is visible from almost every part of the globe. It’s seen from as far north as the North Pole and...
Pleiades (M45/Seven Sisters) - How To Photograph, Tips, Facts
Dec 19, 2018 · The Pleiades star cluster (also known as the Seven Sisters or M45) is one of the best astrophotography targets for every beginner astrophotographer. It's one of the easiest targets to locate, thanks to its size and brightness - you can see it on your DSLR's live screen.
M45, The Pleiades - Astrodoc: Astrophotography by Ron Brecher
Oct 21, 2016 · The attached image shows M45, better known as the Pleiades, or the Seven Sisters. In Latin America, it’s called “the Seven Kids”, as in baby goats). The Pleiades was observed and written about long before Messier catalogued it.
M45 - A Close-Up of the Pleiades - Sky & Telescope
Nov 3, 2024 · The Pleiades (Seven Sisters), aka M45, is currently naked eye visible with averted vision high in the Eastern sky -- a great target for binoculars or a small telescope. This close up image is from data collected remotely on iTelescope.net.
M45 (The Pleiades) - Space_Cat's Astro Pics - Cloudy Nights
The Pleiades (aka Seven Sisters) are an open star cluster located in the constellation of Taurus. William Optics GT71, ISO3200, f/4.9, 18 stacked images. Total integration 54 min.
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