M48 Patton - Wikipedia
M48: Initial production variant with Mod A hull & turret designs featuring M41 90mm gun, M1 remote-controllable machine gun mount and AV-1790-5 or -7 gasoline engine. Deemed not fit for combat use in Europe, relegated to CONUS use only.
The M48 Patton Main Battle Tank - The Army Historical Foundation
Production models of the M48 weighed 49.6 tons and had a length of 30 feet, 6 inches (9.3 meters) with gun forward, a width of 12 feet (3.65 meters), and a height of 10 feet, 2 inches (3.1 meters). Hull armor protection was 120mm front, 76mm sides, 44mm rear, and 57mm top.
M48 (Main Battle Tank) - Army Guide
The cast hull of the M48 is boat-shaped with additional sections welded into position. A hull escape hatch is provided in the floor of the tank. The turret ia a one-piece casting.
M48 Patton Tank - Specifications - GlobalSecurity.org
Jan 16, 2013 · Specifications; Dimensions: Hull length: 21ft, with gun forward 30ft 6 in: Width: 11ft 11in: Height: 10ft 1 in: Ground Clearance: 16 in: Track Width: 28 in: Weights ...
M48 Patton - Museum of Military Models
There were two different hulls used for the M48 series. The M48 hull had a wedge-shaped front glacis compared to the M46's rather flat design. Early Mod A hulls had smaller diameter driver's hatches. The suspension consisted of six roadwheel pairs per side with a torsion bar suspension system and five return rollers.
M48 through M48A3 Patton Tanks - War History
May 25, 2020 · A production run of 120 early-model M48 tanks were built with defective hull armor and were designated the M48C tank and were to identified by markings on the front hull glacis as “non-ballistic training tank only.”
90mm Gun Tank M48 Patton 48 - AFV Database
Nov 17, 2018 · Virtually intended as a lighter version of the 120mm gun tank M103, the M48 used similar large elliptical castings for its turret and hull. M48 had a small, oval driver's hatch and the .50cal M2HB machine gun mounted at the Chrysler-designed commander's cupola was exposed.
M48 Patton Medium Tank - inetres.com
Jul 1, 2006 · The Super M48 carries 40 rounds of 105mm ammunition in the hull and on the turret platform. There is a new electro-hydraulic gun/turret drive and weapon stabilization system. A bank of four Wegmann smoke/fragmentation dischargers may be fitted on either side of the turret towards the rear.
M48 Patton - GlobalSecurity.org
Jul 22, 2016 · In appearance, the hull of the M26/46 was virtually unchanged but the new turret was distinctively long in appearance with a prominent overhang at the rear; another noticeable feature were...
M48 Patton Medium Tank – Army Tanks
Feb 19, 2019 · The M48 Patton medium tank was the most common United States tank to be used during the Vietnam War. It was involved in the only tank vs. tank battle between the US Army and the North Vietnamese Army during the Vietnam War, the Battle of Ben Het in 1969, when several M48 Patton medium tanks fought 10 North Vietnamese PT …