M48 Patton - Wikipedia
In 1967 M48A2 tanks still in service with National Guard units were upgraded to the A3 configuration. The M48A2 hull received modified armored boxing around the taillights, an updated fuel delivery system and a tank infantry phone (TIP). The gasoline engine was replaced with the AVDS-1790-2A.
The German M48A2GA2 Tank & Super M48 Tank upgrades
The German company Wegmann (Kassel) rebuilt 650 M48 series tanks to a new configuration known as the M48A2GA2. All vehicles were delivered between June 1978 and November 1980.
M48 through M48A3 Patton Tanks - War History
May 25, 2020 · The M48A2 tanks featured only three track return rollers on either side of the tank’s hull. The M48A2 tank weighed in at 105,000lbs (48mt) combat loaded. A key internal improvement to the M48A2 tank was the use of a new fuel injected gasoline engine referred to as the Continental AVI-1790-8.
M48 Patton Medium Tank - inetres.com
Jul 1, 2006 · "Tank, Combat, Full Tracked: 90-MM Gun, M48A2". This model has a fuel-injection system, larger fuel tanks, improved engine deck to minimize infrared detection, constant-pressure turret control system, improved fire-control system, modified commander's cupola, stowage basket mounted at the turret rear, and the main gun is fitted with a "T" type ...
Is the M48A2 GA2 really worth skipping? : r/Warthunder - Reddit
Apr 16, 2020 · In SB it's quite a strong tank, as it is in an event that is mostly 7.7 tanks (except the IS-7 and Type 59), and it dominates in that event, especially on open maps.
M48 (Kampfpanzer) – Wikipedia
Der M48 Patton ist ein Kampfpanzer der Zeit des Kalten Krieges aus US-amerikanischer Produktion. In verschiedenen Versionen wird er noch heute in einigen Staaten verwendet. Die offizielle Bezeichnung des Army Department war: „M48 Medium Tank – 90 mm Gun“. Benannt ist das Fahrzeug nach General George S. Patton, dem Kommandeur der Third ...
The M48 Patton Main Battle Tank - The Army Historical Foundation
Utilizing a smaller but more powerful AVI-1790-8 engine, the M48A2 moved a great portion of its fuel reserves to the engine compartment for a total of 335 gallons. Further modifications included the M113 Fire Control System with a M5A2 ballistic drive and a mechanical M13A3 gun data computer, as well as a M20 day periscope with a magnification ...
90mm Gun Tank M48 Patton III
Third in line to be named after US Army’s ardent promoter of tanks during ww1 and legendary commander during WW2, the M48 was a development of the M47 Patton (or “Patton II”). It was born soon after it and pressed into service in 1953.
M48A2 G A2 | War Thunder Wiki
You must play more than 3 battles for the last week and more than 10 battles in a vehicle to rate it.
What Is It That Makes People Say The M48A2 G A2 Is Bad?
May 9, 2022 · M48A2 G A2 is a fine tank but it doesn't have a good line up unless you have the TURM III. The M48 doesn't have a laser rangefinder but the optical rangefinder is underrated. The better armor may not mean much against other MBTs or ATGMs but it does mean most autocannons won't kill you from the front.
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