External Metric Thread Table Chart and Fastener Sizes M1.6 - M18
Related: ANSI Inch Unit Hardware Design Guide ; Length of Screw Thread Engagement per. ISO 965-1 Calculator, Formula and Table Length of engagement of mating threads is selected to utilize full tensile strength of a bolt prior to shearing and nut threads.
Internal Metric Thread Table Chart Fastener Sizes M 0.25
Length of Screw Thread Engagement per. ISO 965-1 Calculator, Formula and Table Length of engagement of mating threads is selected to utilize full tensile strength of a bolt prior to shearing and nut threads. Internal Metric Thread and Fastener Sizes M 9 - M 24; Internal Metric Thread and Fastener Sizes M 24 - M 50
Metric Helical Coil Threaded Insert Hole Data - Engineers Edge
Each nominal threaded insert size is standardized in five lengths, which are multiples of the insert's nominal diameter. These are 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 times nominal diameter. Each nominal length is the minimum through-hole length (material thickness), without countersink, into which that insert can be installed.
ISO Socket Head Screw Size Data Table Chart ISO 4762 - Engineers …
ISO 4762 specifies the characteristics of hexagon socket head cap screws with coarse pitch thread from M1,6 up to and including M64 and product grade A.
Metric Thread Stress and Shear Areas Table - Engineers Edge
Selected Metric M Series Thread Stress and Shear Areas - Note: All areas given in square millimeters.
Metric Hex Flange Nuts Size Dimension Table - Engineers Edge
BS EN ISO 4034 Hexagon nuts style 1 – product grade C; BS EN ISO 4035 Hexagon thin nuts chamfered – product grades A and B; BS EN ISO 4036 Hexagon thin nuts (unchamfered) – product grade B; Slotted Hex Nuts per. B18.2.4.4M; Metric Hex Nuts, Styles 1 and 2 ANSI/ASME B18.2.4.1M and B18.2.4.2M; T-Bolts and T-Nuts Dimensions per. BS 2485
Metric Socket Head Cap Screws Size Table - Engineers Edge
American National Standard Socket Head Cap Screws & Metric Series per. ANSI/ASME B18.3.1M
Standard Metric Hex Nuts per ANSI/ASME B18.2.4.1M and …
BS EN ISO 4034 Hexagon nuts style 1 – product grade C; BS EN ISO 4035 Hexagon thin nuts chamfered – product grades A and B; BS EN ISO 4036 Hexagon thin nuts (unchamfered) – product grade B; Slotted Hex Nuts per. B18.2.4.4M; Metric Hex Nuts, Styles 1 and 2 ANSI/ASME B18.2.4.1M and B18.2.4.2M; T-Bolts and T-Nuts Dimensions per. BS 2485
Metric Hex Jam Nuts and Heavy Hex Nuts - Engineers Edge
BS EN ISO 4034 Hexagon nuts style 1 – product grade C; BS EN ISO 4035 Hexagon thin nuts chamfered – product grades A and B; BS EN ISO 4036 Hexagon thin nuts (unchamfered) – product grade B; Slotted Hex Nuts per. B18.2.4.4M; Metric Hex Nuts, Styles 1 and 2 ANSI/ASME B18.2.4.1M and B18.2.4.2M; T-Bolts and T-Nuts Dimensions per. BS 2485
Standard Metric Torque Hex Nuts Size Data Table - Engineers Edge
BS EN ISO 4034 Hexagon nuts style 1 – product grade C; BS EN ISO 4035 Hexagon thin nuts chamfered – product grades A and B; BS EN ISO 4036 Hexagon thin nuts (unchamfered) – product grade B; Slotted Hex Nuts per. B18.2.4.4M; Metric Hex Nuts, Styles 1 and 2 ANSI/ASME B18.2.4.1M and B18.2.4.2M; T-Bolts and T-Nuts Dimensions per. BS 2485