Ephedra (Ma Huang): Weight Loss, Dangers, and Legal Status - Healthline
Mar 14, 2019 · Ephedra sinica (ma huang) is a plant that has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. You can buy ma huang tea and ephredra herb, but the FDA banned ephedrine-containing...
Ma Huang - The People's Pharmacy
Mar 14, 2018 · Ma huang, Chinese ephedra, was used to treat asthma, or at least wheezing, five thousand years ago. The Herbal Classic of the Divine Plowman described it as an herb of “middle class,” referring to its perceived usefulness rather than to a social standing.
Ma Huang Uses, Benefits & Side Effects - Drugs.com
Ma huang contains ephedrine and related alkaloids, increases blood pressure, heart rate and causes CNS activity, as well as stimulates uterine muscle. Women who are pregnant should exercise particular caution. Ma huang is contraindicated with MAO inhibitors.
EPHEDRA - Uses, Side Effects, and More - WebMD
Ephedra is a stimulant herb usually from the stem and branches of Ephedra sinica. Most ephedra species contain the chemical ephedrine. It's banned in the US. The ephedrine in ephedra is …
'Ma Huang' - Ephedra sinica - White Buffalo Trading Co.
Ma Huang is a strongly stimulating, acrid-tasting herb that is commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and is one of the 50 basic fundamental herbs in TCM. Ma Huang was first recorded in the Shen-nung Pen-ts’ao Ching (Divine Farmer’s Materia Medica), the earliest Chinese pharmacopoeia written before 200 B.C.
Ephedra: Usefulness and Safety | NCCIH
4 days ago · Common Names: ephedra, Chinese ephedra, ma huang. Latin Names: Ephedra sinica. Ephedra is a low evergreen shrub with small, scaly leaves. The herb usually comes from the stem and branches of the Ephedra sinica species.
Ephedra Information | Mount Sinai - New York
Ephedra (Ephedra sinica), also called ma huang, is an herb that has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for more than 5,000 years, primarily to treat asthma, bronchitis, and hay fever. Ephedra is also prescribed for symptoms of cold and flu, including nasal congestion, cough, fever, and chills.
Ephedra (medicine) - Wikipedia
It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine, in which it is referred to as Ma Huang, for more than 2,000 years. [4][5] Native Americans and Mormon pioneers drank a tea brewed from other Ephedra species, called "Mormon tea" and "Indian tea".
Ephedra Uses, Benefits & Dosage - Drugs.com Herbal Database
Jul 15, 2024 · Ma huang was used to induce perspiration and treat the symptoms of bronchial asthma, colds, and influenza; it is still in traditional use today.
8 Impressive Benefits of Ephedra - Organic Facts
Jul 3, 2020 · Ephedra sinica is the scientific name of the plant from which the substance known as ephedra is derived. Commonly known by dozens of names around the world, perhaps most famously as ma huang in China, this medicinal extract has been in use for more than 2,000 years.
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