MAS-38 - Wikipedia
The MAS-38 is a French submachine gun designed in the 1930s and used by French and German forces during the Second World War. It was derived from a small arms development program that took place between 1918 and 1922 under the …
French MAS-38 SMG - Forgotten Weapons
The MAS-38 was a French direct blowback SMG firing the 7.62x20mm cartridge. It featured a distinctive barrel set at an angle to its receiver.
MAS 1938 SUBMACHINE GUN - Small Arms Review
Nov 3, 2010 · The MAS 38 is adopted in 1938, but its production began in April 1940. Manufacture is continued on a small scale for the Vichy Forces and after November 1942 for the Germans. They received approximately 20,000 or 30,000 weapons designed MP 722 (f).
MAS-38 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The MAS-38 is a French 7.65 mm caliber submachine gun. It was designed in 1938 and manufactured the following year by Manufacture d'Armes de Saint-Etienne (MAS). It was based on the previous MAS-35 model. It was used by the French army during World War II.
Classic Guns: MAS-38 Submachine Gun - Shooting Illustrated
Dec 26, 2017 · Unlike contemporary Thompson and Beretta submachine gun designs, the MAS-38 could only deliver fire in the automatic mode with a cyclic rate of 600 rounds per minute, a feature that simplified...
The French MAS-38 Submachine Gun - YouTube
May 4, 2017 · The MAS-38 was France’s first officially adopted submachine gun, rushed into service in 1940. It was basically too late to help with the defense of France, with less than a thousand...
French MAS-38 Submachine Gun - Forgotten Weapons
May 17, 2013 · The MAS-38 was a French direct blowback SMG firing the 7.62x20mm cartridge. It featured a distinctive barrel set at an angle to its receiver.
The Gun That Killed Mussolini: Meet the MAS-38 Submachine …
Dec 1, 2020 · After the fascist Italian regime fell during the Second World War, he and Petacci were captured by Italian partisans and executed with a MAS-38. How the French-made submachine gun made it to...
The French MAS-38 SMG - Forgotten Weapons
May 4, 2017 · The MAS-38 was France’s first officially adopted submachine gun, rushed into service in 1940. It was basically too late to help with the defense of France, with less than a thousand delivered by June 1940. The Germans kept the gun in production, making 20-30 thousand under the designation MP722 (f).
MAS-38 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The MAS-38 was a French submachine gun designed prior to the Second World War and used by French and German forces. It derived from a small arms development program that took place between 1918 and 1922 under the control of the Service Technique de l'Armement.