Millburn Middle School
Millburn Township Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year Begins February 1, 2025 Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will occur from Februar...
Millburn Middle School
Sixth grade Science at Millburn Middle School is an introduction to Physical Science. The lessons are presented with a balance of inquiry-based lab activities and skills that are scaffolded as they are introduced.
Technology Update - New Visitor Registration System - Millburn
Aug 26, 2024 · This year, we have implemented a new visitor registration system for all school visitors. The Visitor Aware system uses your driver's license or state-issued ID when you enter the building.
Staff | Millburn Middle School
Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Millburn Middle School
Please contact me with any questions or concerns related to our school health services or if you wish to share information concerning your child. The Student Parent Handbook is also a good resource for many of your questions. “School nurses are the bridge between healthcare and education." (NASN, 2017) All the best for a healthy year,
Athletics | Millburn Middle School
Welcome to MMS Student/Parent Handbook School Nurse MMS New 4-Day Rotate and Drop Schedule Information Center PTO PTO Quick LinksShow submenu for Quick Links
Millburn Middle School Course Progression
Millburn Middle School Testing Information Middle School NJSLA Testing Schedule 2023-2024 (ELA / Math / Science 8) Science May 16 - 17 ELA/Math May 20 - 23 Make-ups May 28 - May 31 NJSLA District Testing Site
Attendance | Millburn Middle School
Please call 973-379-2600, Extension 20002 and leave a voicemail message or contact the attendance secretary, Ms. Renee Luciano, via email at [email protected], by 8:30 am. This process is the same for non illness related …
Documents | Millburn Middle School
Find Us Millburn Middle School 25 Old Short Hills Road Millburn, NJ 07041 973-379-2600
Before/After School Care | Millburn Township Public Schools
There are two organizations that provide before and after school programming in our district schools for students in grades K-8. AlphaBEST: Provides programs at Deerfield, Hartshorn, South Mountain and Wyoming Schools.