Mobile Task Forces - SCP Foundation
Jan 16, 2025 · MTF Eta-77 (“Spheres Within Spheres”) Task Force Mission: The Department of Tactical Theology 's personalized operational unit, consisting of fifteen specialized members. All personnel in the task force have expertise in dealing with aggressive or threatening religion-related anomalies.
Mobile Task Forces | Containment Organization Wiki | Fandom
MTF Eta-77 (“Spheres Within Spheres”) [] Task Force Mission: The Department of Tactical Theology's personalized operational unit, consisting of fifteen specialized members. All personnel in the task force have expertise in dealing with aggressive or …
SCP-5327 - SCP Foundation
In the case of detection of SCP-5327-A or SCP-5327-B, Mobile Task Force Eta-77 ("Spheres Within Spheres") is responsible for their capture. SCP-5327-A and -B, when contained, are to be transferred to Site-120 due to the facility's ability to contain high-level ontokinetic beings.
SCP-4531 - SCP Foundation
During a Tashlich Event, MTF Eta-77 is to be positioned upstream of the Daugava river to observe it; should an instance of SCP-4531-1 taller than fifty meters manifest, MTF Eta-77 is to terminate the instance via any means available.
Mobile Task Force (MTF) | The Ofiicial Scp Foundation Wiki | Fandom
MTF Eta-77 ("Spheres Within Spheres") [] Task Force Mission: The Department of Tactical Theology's personalized operational unit, consisting of fifteen specialized members. All personnel in the task force have expertise in dealing with aggressive or …
MTF Eta-77 (“Spheres Within Spheres”) - Amino Apps
Task Force Mission: The Department of Tactical Theology's personalized operational unit, consisting of fifteen specialized members. All personnel in the task force have expertise in dealing with aggressive or threatening religion-related anomalies.
Mobile Task Force Eta-77 is the Department of Tactical Theology's personalized operational unit. Due to recent events, their membership has expanded beyond 15 members. All personnel in the task force have expertise in dealing with aggressive or threatening religion-related anomalies.
Mobile Task Forces - Database 42
Jan 11, 2025 · All personnel in the task force have experience in dealing with aggressive or threatening religious-related anomalies. Eta-77 often works in coordination with Lambda-5 and Tau-5 to combat religious anomalies with thaumic or reality-bending natures.
Eta-77 "Spheres Within Spheres" - Database 42
Jan 4, 2025 · Eta-77 often works in coordination with Lambda-5 and Tau-5 to combat religious anomalies with thaumic or reality-bending natures. Following is a partial dossier of Eta-77 "Spheres Within Spheres" operatives:
Mobile Task Forces | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Mobile Task Forces (MTFs) are a type of Task Force that is deployed to contain, combat, and/or protect anomalies and Groups of Interest. Each task force is made up of highly-trained Foundation operatives with skill sets valuable for the purpose of the MTF.
MTF Eta-77, "Spheres Within Spheres" - MTGNexus
{w}, Tap an untapped Soldier you control: You gain 1 life. "The Department of Tactical Theology's personalized operational unit, consisting of fifteen specialized members." Homunculi? No, Homuncul-US! Magic the Gathering Resources, Tools, Previews, and Community.
SCP-5993 - SCP Foundation
Oct 8, 2022 · Members of MTF-Eta-77 have been provided with handheld gas grenades containing a crystalline form of apian alarm pheromones. Operatives are to deploy these during hostile situations, upon which MDV-HIVE ("Cleopatra's Coffin") is to be deployed.
SCP Foundation/Worldview/Mobile Task Force - NamuWiki
Mar 7, 2025 · The Mobile Task Force (MTF) is an elite group of personnel drawn from across the Foundation. They are mobilized to deal with threats or situations beyond the operational capabilities or skills of ordinary field personnel.
Mobile Task Forces - SCP : FUSION - Wikidot
The Mobile Task Forces (MTF) are a set of specialized professionals with the equipment and skills necessary to counter almost every threat in their field. MTFs, alongside their combative sibling (Suppression & Prevention), tend to be frontline fighters and, like SD, are a formidable force to go against.
Mobile Task Force Eta-77 | Arma 3 | Official Website
Mobile Task Force Eta-77 is the Department of Tactical Theology's personal MTF. All MTF Operatives have experience in dealing with aggressive and/or threatening religion-related anomalies and GoIs.
Favorite SCP Task Force : r/SCP - Reddit
Jul 23, 2021 · MTF-Eta-77 ("Spheres Within Spheres") The Department of Tactical Theology's personalized operational unit, consisting of fifteen specialized members. All personnel in the task force have expertise in dealing with aggressive or threatening religion-related anomalies.
SCP-6731 - SCP Foundation
Nov 18, 2023 · Upon the first initial sighting of SCP-6731-1, MTF Eta-77 ("Spheres Within Spheres") was dispatched to the area near Vatican City to investigate the anomaly. While trying to subdue SCP-6731-2, Eta-77 was attacked by 5 priests claiming to be from the Holy Vatican Church, "Protecting the Jesus Christ and securing our spot in the heaven!"
SCP Challenge Coin: MTF Eta-77 - Printables.com
Challenge coin for the SCP Foundation's MTF Eta-77 ("Spheres Within Spheres"). | Download free 3D printable STL models
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MTF Eta-77 "Spheres Within Spheres" unit patch (from SCP) - Etsy
A recreation of the unit patch of the Foundation Mobile Task Force Eta-77 Spheres Within Spheres. Spheres Within Spheres is the Department of Tactical Theologys operations unit, consisting of fifteen members that specialize with dealing with aggressive or threatening religion-related anomalies.
What happend with the D Class and 25... : r/SCP - Reddit
Feb 5, 2021 · MTF Eta-77 ("Spheres Within Spheres") View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. What happend with the D Class and 25... This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Related Topics SCP Foundation ...