Mixing cards from different sets | Magic: The Gathering
Jan 27, 2009 · - Any tips (for a MtG newbie) on how best to form decks from such a wide-ranging set of cards. My basic idea was to just sort the cards by colour/land type and then form some decks mixing a couple of colours. - Anything else you think I should know thx
Color combos for decks | Magic: The Gathering - BoardGameGeek
Oct 17, 2014 · Single or 'mono' color decks are usually really focused, and can be very consistent. 2 color decks work really well for starting players, because it gives you a good base to build on, and strikes a good balance between focus, flexibility, power, and constancy.
Magic: The Gathering – Duel Decks Anthology - Board Game
From the official website: Never before have so many gathered in one place. These will be fights to remember. These eight, ready-to-play, 60-card Magic decks showcase the first four dueling match-ups. Rejoin the fray as the game's most famous Planeswalkers go head to head. Relive the Divine clashing with the Demonic, and Elves confronting Goblins. Replay the original duels, or …
How many of X card type should I have in Commander (creatures, …
Nov 7, 2013 · All three decks win through creatures and aren't "changing the game." I haven't played Commander, but I know enough about it to know that you can't force every "fair" commander deck into the same box, just like you can't force all three 60-card decks that I just listed to play the same number of lands.
Introductory decks for 5-year old? | Magic: The Gathering
Dec 13, 2012 · If you can stick to building these decks using entirely permanents (or very few trick cards if you must) you can ease your son/daughter into MTG. Learning the rules of "the stack" is probably the trickiest part, so using only permanents would allow you to bypass this lesson until the fundamentals (e.g. game phases, tapping, combat, etc.) are down.
Magic: The Gathering – Duel Decks: Elves vs. Goblins
Description from the publisher: Wage war between elves and goblins—the most popular tribes in Magic. This Duel Decks features popular cards selected from six years of Magic expansions, from the Apocalypse to Lorwyn sets. These two 60-card theme decks include eight rares (including two alternate art foil cards), a full-color insert with strategies for each deck, …
Deck boxes - what size? - BoardGameGeek
Jan 21, 2019 · Some decks are also token-heavy, which basically means you should shoot for 100+ cards only. Example deck: 60 cards in Ultra-Pro Eclipse sleeves, 32mm (1.26") thick because of a bit of air. Add 15 cards (8mm) for a sideboard. Commander uses 100-card decks, usually no sideboard, so that would be about 22mm thicker.
Lorcana review, the Good, the Bad and the Very Ugly
Aug 18, 2023 · The worst thing for me is the lack of thematic sense overall, this seems a game with decent mechanics and random Disney artwork thrown on the cards, the usual fan/collector trap. MTG is doing the exact opposite with Universe's Beyond products, playing Commander with precon decks is a lot of fun, but of course on the pricey side.
Practicing with Cockatrice | A Man of Limited Talent
Nov 13, 2011 · If you log in, you can build and save decks; then, when you play in Cockatrice, your opponents can confirm you're playing fair and only using cards from your pool. Players can also get together to play a proper booster draft. When you're done building your deck on the site, the export features make it easy to load in Cockatrice.
Do they still make the pre-made "duel" decks for MTG?
Dec 5, 2022 · Thinking of getting some MTG cards in 2023... but I am not interested in collecting with the CCG angle. I know they used to make "duel" decks. Basically each release they would make 4 new pre made decks. They were not super powerful but had some rares and synergy. I