The Eifel maars | Volcanicity in the Eifel | Nature - Eifel.info
Idyllically located between the two Eifel towns of Steffeln and Duppach on the volcanic path and the "Vulkane, Maare & Dreese" circular trail, the Eichholzmaar with a diameter of approx. 120 m and a maximum depth of 3 m is the smallest and northernmost water-filled Maar of the Eifel.
Maare der Eifel | Vulkane | Natur entdecken | Urlaub Eifel - Eifel…
Idyllisch zwischen den beiden Eifelorten Steffeln und Duppach am Vulkanpfad und Rundweg "Vulkane, Maare & Dreese" gelegen, ist das Eichholzmaar mit einem Durchmesser von ca. 120 m und einer maximalen Tiefe von 3 m das kleinste und nördlichste wassergefüllte Maar der Eifel.
Maare der Vulkaneifel - Eifel.info
Embedded in a magnificent and colorful nature, idyllic, picturesque and almost mystical, the maar lakes reveal little today of their once highly explosive history. Many thousands of years ago, it must habe been extremely dangerous here.
Discover maars and crater lakes in the Eifel region
The maars and crater lakes in the Eifel invite you to hike, swim and swim. Dauner Maare, Meerfelder Maar and Holzmaar are some of the most exciting maar lakes.
Secrets of the Eifel maars | Active holidays in the Eifel
The water-filled ‘eyes of the Eifel’ sparkle in the sunshine. Discover the Eifel maars on a walk, a bike ride or a leisurely boat ride on the water.
Maars of the Volcanic Eifel - Natur und Geopark Vulkaneifel
Thanks to maar research and the observation and study of current maar eruptions, we now know pretty much exactly how the maars in the volcanic Eifel were formed and what dramatic effects their formation must have had on the landscape.
Maars And Crater Lakes - Natur und Geopark Vulkaneifel
Immerather Maar The flattest of all Eifel maars. A maar lake without an inflow - the water is replenished exclusively by precipitation, surface and groundwater. In the diverse and extremely fertile habitat, rich plants thrive and numerous animals find a safe retreat. Read more …
Maar - Wikipedia
A maar is a broad, low-relief volcanic crater caused by a phreatomagmatic eruption (an explosion which occurs when groundwater comes into contact with hot lava or magma). A maar characteristically fills with water to form a relatively shallow crater lake, which may also be called a …
Meerfelder Maar - Eifel.info
What is a maar? The term maar is derived from the Latin "mare" (=sea). It is a type of funnel-shaped volcano formed by eruptions of water vapour, which is "blasted" into the landscape and often presents itself as a bowl-like shape. A maar is formed when rising magma meets water-bearing rock layers.
Maare, Urlaub, Wandern - Natur und Geopark Vulkaneifel
Natur- und Geopark Vulkaneifel - einzigartige Landschaft, Maare und Vulkane, Naherholungssgebiet und Urlaub in der Eifel