Machop Recipe? : r/PokemonQuest - Reddit
Nov 7, 2021 · For everything you want to see, do, eat, and buy in the Alamo City, and places you can drive to within an hour of SA!
Machop/Machamp with Seismic Toss or Karate Chop? : r/nuzlocke
Aug 8, 2020 · However, Seismic Toss is really only useful on Pokémon like Blissey who have no way of dealing good damage otherwise. Machop has no problem dealing physical damage due …
Perfect Machop? : r/PokemonQuest - Reddit
Perfect bingo Machop has a cooldown of 8*(1-0.45)= 4.4 seconds. And there is a casting time around 1 sec. Total 5.4 seconds between each bulk up move Perfect bingo Machoke has a …
What do you think these machop are talking about? : …
Machop one: hey dude, look at this dudes hair, we could totally beat him up. Machop 2: sure, pink hair is a sign of weakness. Lets mug 'im Machop 3: wait what were you guys talking about?
machop - stunfisk - Reddit
To be completed - a section about the best moves for Machop. Strategy. To be completed - a section about the best strategies for Machop. Team mates. To be completed - a section about …
4 star shadow machop... What do? : r/pokemongo - Reddit
Lol, on my first cliff for this takeover I got 474 weather boosted shadow Machop and lost my shit, glad to ...
Fighting Types : r/thisgymofmine - Reddit
Feb 23, 2023 · timburr and machop are in the craggy pass, meinfoo and scraggy are in the badlands, heracross and shroomish are in the original forest area and como-oo is in the …
What do you nickname your pokemon. #28: Machop, Machoke, …
Aug 12, 2019 · Hello there and welcome back to todays installment of what do you nickname your pokemon. And so as the title says today I ask you fine people of reddit to share what …
Is it worth it to trade Machop for Abra? (Platinum Nuzlocke)
May 11, 2019 · It's really up to you. Its worth mentioning that the traded Abra has above average IVs and comes holding an Oran Berry. If you do trade for it, consider training the Machop up to …
Should I purify my perfect shadow machop? : r/TheSilphRoad
Sep 2, 2020 · I found a shadow machop with perfect IV. Is it better for battling to keep it shadow or purify it? One of the biggest benefits to purifying is improving the IV. Clearly that will have …