Magico Ultimate III Horn-Loaded Loudspeaker - The Absolute …
Jul 3, 2014 · Purpose-built by Alon Wolf at a cost of over $250,000, the Magico listening room in Hayward, CA, is a floating chamber built from an outer shell of 5″ Quiet Rock with an inner shell thirty-three-feet long, twenty-two-feet wide, and thirteen-feet tall constructed on resilient channels of 2″ sheet rock (which act as a membrane trapping the bass do...
The Ultimate Magico - Stereophile.com
Jan 19, 2014 · A five-way design costing a mind-boggling $600,000/system, the speaker’s higher-frequency horns feature a Tractrix flare, the lower-midrange horn a trapezoidal flare, all of which blend smoothly into the baffle. A 15" sealed-box woofer handles frequencies below 125Hz.
MAGICO Ultimate Loudspeaker - The Absolute Sound
Nov 14, 2008 · MAGICO builds the Ultimate to order, with a four-month lead time and a price of $229,000, which includes delivery and setup by Wolf. After Wolf has finished setting up the Ultimate, you can take him out to dinner—in your Bugatti Veyron, of course.
Oct 22, 2020 · A few insights of the Magico Ultimate III speakers based ultra-high-end audio system being upgraded and optimized by Présence Audio Conseil.
Magico Loudspeakers — Music. Revealed.
Redefining Ultra High-End Speaker Design & Music Reproduction.
Magico Ultimate: The ultimate $600,000 speaker for the .001 …
Aug 3, 2013 · The Magico Ultimate is now in its third revision, and runs close to $600,000 a pair, too bad you didn't jump on the originals back in 2004, when they were just $229,000!
Magico Ultimate III Horn-Loaded Loudspeaker System ($600K)
Aug 26, 2014 · A recent review on the updated Magico Ultimate loudspeaker system by the magazine The Absolute Sound.
Magico Ultimate III – M & S | Ultimate High-Fidelity
Jul 18, 2024 · Magico Ultimate III horn speaker system with Aries Cerat, Nagra, Thorens, Goldmund, etc.
Magico Ultimate II Speakers - The Awesomer
Dec 18, 2009 · Magico’s Ultimate II speakers are impossible to miss, visually or aurally: the 5-way horn-loaded system stands 7.5 feet tall, weighs 800 lbs, and sports woofers with 2000 watt amps.
Magico Ultimate II Horn Loudspeaker: Following a Dream
Apr 15, 2010 · The Ultimate uses a 15” driver with sealed-box loading. Each woofer is powered by an integral 2000-watt amp and has 2.5” peak-to-peak excursion, allowing plenty of output down to 15Hz in normal rooms according to Magico.