Macau - Wikipedia
Macau[e] or Macao[f] is a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China (PRC). With a population of about 710,000 people [12] and a land area of 32.9 km 2 (12.7 sq mi), it is the most densely populated region in the world.
Makaó – Wikipédia
Makaó (kínaiul: 澳門 (egyszerűsített írással: 澳门), portugálul: Macau) Kína különleges közigazgatási területe az ország délkeleti partjainál. Területe egy átlagos budapesti kerületéhez mérhető, lakossága viszont egész Budapest népességének közel negyven százalékát teszi ki; a Föld legsűrűbben lakott területe.
Macedonian Dish Makalo : 7 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables
Makalo is perhaps one of the most recognized recipes of the Macedonian cuisine. It is essentially a potato onion mash, with some added ingredients that make up for quite an attractive taste. Makalo is often served before the main course, along with salad and Macedonian beverage, but it is also nutritious enough to substitute a main course at home.
Makalo | Traditional Dip From North Macedonia | TasteAtlas
Makalo is a very traditional North Macedonian dish based on garlic. The most basic type of makalo is made with garlic, warm oil or butter, wine vinegar, lukewarm water, and salt, which are added to a wooden bowl and mixed thoroughly. Dried red peppers, chopped parsley, hot pepper flakes, walnuts, milk, or yogurt are often added to this dish.
Makalo - Wikipedia
Makalo (Macedonian: Макало) is a traditional Macedonian side dish. The main ingredients include oil, garlic and peppers although variations in the recipe can also include dry embroidered peppers, mashed potatoes, aubergine, leek and onion. It is usually served as an addition to stews or as a spread on bread. [1][2]
MAKALO (GARLIC SPREAD) - Macedonian cuisine
Let's start with this thick makalo. Take whole clove of garlic. Place in a blender with a little vinegar. Blend until you get a uniform mixture. Melt butter on the side, about 100 g. Add a little salt and blend constantly while you add the melted butter. For a cheaper alternative add oil instead of butter. The secret is, drop by drop.
These is top 5 of the most popular Macedonian makalo recipes. 1. GARLIC SAUCE (THE LIQUID VERSION) For all those who love garlic (like me), this is the real thing, you'll enjoy the taste and plus it will defend your body against cold and flu. Makalo …
Macedonians are known as pepper lovers, there is no Macedonian that doesn't eat peppers, we are peppers nation :) Macedonian people usually eat this makalo with warm bread dipped in the makalo. Here's a recipe how to prepare this simple yet delicious food. salt, oil. Wash, bake and peel peppers. Chop them into pieces and p lace in a bowl.
About a year ago, I found out that I can make makalo very fast using a blender. One time, I had no time to waste because I had to go out, so I needed a fast way to make the makalo. My son peeled my garlic cloves and I've literally spent 5 minutes to make this beautiful makalo.
Macedonian makalo with gravy and dried peppers
Easy to prepare, and a very healthy, tasty and cheap dish. It will delight both those who cook it and those who taste it. Anyone who hasn’t tried spinach the Chinese way doesn’t even know how many variations this vegetable can have.