Question on Aiptasia-eating Filefish (Matted Filefish)
Mar 24, 2017 · Hi All- Does anyone have any personal experience with these fish? My question specifically is, if they are eating Aiptasia, will they eat larger Aiptasia too or do they typically only eat small ones. I know I've heard that Peppermint shrimp that …
Matted Filefish | Reef2Reef
Oct 26, 2019 · I originally wanted a clownfish but this might be a game changer. Is a 36 Gallon tank enough?Some sites say 30 gallons others say 40. I’ve read that they’re peaceful except with other filefish. Actually if a clownfish and matted filefish could coexist I might go that route. What life forms are compatible? coral?Anemone ?
Do all types of filefish eat aiptasia? | Reef2Reef
Nov 26, 2016 · No -- only wild-caught matted filefish are known to be reliable aiptasia-eaters. They do not, as noted above, limit their diet to pest anemones. There are really so many lovely species of filefish, and so many better ways of addressing aiptasia problems, that matted filefish really should not be your first pick for a filefish.
Matted File Fish behavior | Reef2Reef
Mar 31, 2012 · I have a 75 gal. tank and am starting to get aiptasia around the tank. I have some stuff I can kill it with. But I'm curious about the Matted File Fish. The copperband butterfly fish is out of the question as my tank is too small but the file fish would be …
Matted Filefish- experiences. | Reef2Reef
Sep 29, 2024 · What are your experiences with Matted (Aiptasia Eating) Filefish? Other than their (often unreliable) reputation for eating Aiptasia and (more commonly) moving onto corals, in terms of personality aside from their relatively drab appearance are they …
Aiptasia and Filefish | Reef2Reef
Nov 11, 2021 · Those of you that have used an aiptasia eating filefish to take care of aiptasia, do they only go after the small aiptasia or will they eat them all? I purchased a very small aiptasia eating filefish (about the size of a quarter) about a month …
Biota Radial Filefish eating corals | Reef2Reef
Jun 4, 2021 · Just some notes from owning both matted and radial filefish from Biota. Matted filefish - Acreichthys tomentosus - does indeed eat all forms of Aiptasia. I've now owned 2 from Biota and 1 from my LFS so of unknown origin. All three are tomentosus and all cleared my display of Aiptasia.
Is my Aiptasia-eating Filefish a Vicious Coral-killing Criminal?
Oct 21, 2016 · My filefish, I have three, cleared my 300 gal. fowler / softy tank of aptasia in a few weeks. Two now only eat readily available foods along with the occasional aptasia.
Filefish in Aquariums | Reef2Reef
Apr 9, 2022 · Filefish in Marine Aquariums Jay Hemdal C. 2022 Filefish, (often called leatherjackets in Australia) have enjoyed a moderate level of popularity for many years as marine aquarium fish. As a group however, there is some variation as to their relative appropriateness for particular aquariums...
Lifespan of Matted FileFish? | Reef2Reef
Mar 2, 2020 · Hi does anyone have experience in how long Matted filefish live in a reef tank? (dont trust the online sites that all quote the same thing) I've had mine ~5 years and found it today on the sand bed still breathing but not moving. No one ever picked on …