Maxus Euniq 6 70kWh Specs, Range, Comparisons - Ultimate Specs
Explore the Maxus Euniq 6 70kWh detailed specs, including miles per kWh, range, battery charging times. Get all the Info.
The new MAXUS EUNIQ 6 is an entirely electric SUV. It has the largest luggage compartment in its class, with a capacity of 754 liters, and the most advanced technology, making it the ideal electric SUV for the entire family.
Euniq 6 - Maxus
Das erste vollelektrische SUV von MAXUS. Entdecken Sie den MAXUS Euniq 6 mit Platz für reichlich Gepäck und mit viel Komfort für große Reisen.
eUNIQ 6 | Maxus - Maxus Motors
De eUNIQ 6 is uitgerust met een performante 70 kWh batterij, goed voor een rijbereik tot 354 km WLTP, of zelfs tot 452 km in stedelijk gebruik. Maxus geeft je bovendien maar liefst acht jaar waarborg op de batterij.
Specs for all Maxus Euniq 6 versions - Ultimate Specs
Specs for all Maxus Euniq 6. Engine technical specs, power, CO2 emissions, mpg fuel consumption, top speed, 0 to 60 mph, dimensions, tires size, weight.
2020 Maxus Euniq 6 specs, Fuel consumption, Dimensions
Maxus Euniq 6 | Technical Specs, Fuel consumption, Space, Volume and weights, Power, Maximum speed, Torque, Acceleration 0 - 100 km/h, Engine displacement, Drive wheel, Tires size, Body type GO Advanced
Maxus Euniq 6 | Technical Specs, Fuel consumption, Dimensions
Maxus Euniq 6: 2020 - SUV Power: from 177 to 245 Hp | Dimensions: 4735 x 1860 x 1736 mm
上汽大通MAXUS EUNIQ 6 - 百度百科
上汽大通MAXUS EUNIQ 6是上汽大通品牌旗下的中型SUV。 上汽大通MAXUS EUNIQ 6作为纯电动车型,将搭载由宁德时代提供的锂电池组,续航里程或达600公里,在快充模式下快充电量从30%到80%只需33分钟 [8]。 [1] 上汽大通MAXUS EUNIQ 6 PLUG IN采用全LED分体式大灯,贯穿式LED尾灯,八方形晶体参数化格栅。 [14] 上汽大通MAXUS EUNIQ 6整体的设计与D60车型保持一致,保留了分体式大灯设计,扁平的头灯配合两侧獠牙状的j进气口。 [2] 不同的是EUNIQ 6 …
上汽大通MAXUS EUNIQ 6 - 汽车之家
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Maxus EUNIQ 6 2021 - price, range, photos, specs
Explore detailed specs for all trim levels of Maxus EUNIQ 6 2021. Price in USD and yuan.
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