Formula for Data Sizes (B, KB, MB, GB) - MrExcel
Oct 1, 2019 · Hey folks, I use an application that reports data size usage by date. You can see the screenshot below of how it exports its results to excel. I was wondering if there was a way to right a formula that will ignore the 'B', 'KB', 'MB' and calculate the total data size in …
How to convert MB, KB, GB to bytes in excel | MrExcel Message …
Feb 7, 2015 · Hi Team, I am working with large spreadsheets and I would like to be able to standardize all the measurements in one of my excel column to Bytes - I have a data in below format - Size 26.4 kB 25.27 MB I have 100,00 rows with …
Converting Kb to Gb what is the correct formula? - MrExcel
Jul 23, 2002 · Hello All, I have the following info in cell A: Total Storage Used -KB 5819206640 4044259328 16867651584 I want to convert these to Gb. What is the correct formula please? Thanks, Kurt
How do I format cells to show GB, MB, KB - MrExcel
Jun 12, 2002 · #,##0.0,,,"gb" Select the cell(s) of interest, then click Format > Cells > Number tab, select Custom in the Category pane, and enter said custom format in the narrow Type field to the right. Click OK to exit the Format Cells dialog and you should have what you want, at least where your example is concerned.
Converting Column Values - KB, MB, GB, TB - MrExcel
Apr 22, 2010 · I would like my column to format automatically for me. I found this on the web, but excel doesn't recognize it as a valid formula.
Convert MB, GB, KB to bytes | MrExcel Message Board
Dec 11, 2009 · I'd also suggest a helper column might do the trick with the formula, depending how accurate you want it. Generally accepted as 1000 for 1 kilobyte but is actually 1024, but you can change the formula to suit
Adding Storage Data (KB, MB, GB) | MrExcel Message Board
May 31, 2014 · I have a spreadsheet with a long column of storage data in KB and MB. I need to get it all added up to see the total amount of storage. It may get into the GB range. I just want it all added in the simple unit concept. Namely, if the total comes out as < 999 MB then that is the unit that should show. If > 999 MB, then GB is the unit that should ...
Recalculating Data Unit values | MrExcel Message Board
Mar 2, 2010 · Out of interest I am obviously going based on 1024 (binary) instead of 1000 (decimal). Not sure whether this is the correct way or not. Some Hypervisors still require MB notation for RAM, e.g. 10240MB for 10GB. (I'm being cleverer than shown in the CONVERT function to actually determine the source format (B, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB, ZB, YB).) Thanks
Convert bytes to KB or MB automatically | MrExcel Message Board
Apr 8, 2005 · Place the formula in a cell in the same row, to the right of the first cell with a file size and change the reference to refer to that cell. Then, just copy down as far as needed. In my example, I placed the formula in cell B2 and referred it to cell A2, and copied down.
Convert MB to TB in Excel 2016 | MrExcel Message Board
Nov 10, 2018 · The formula doesn't affect the data display... If you want that granularity of data it's hard to know how to re-format it to make it easier to digest. The numbers in your example seem fairly stable for each platform, so you could provide a running 7-day average of each platform.