Steam Community :: Guide :: Medi Gun Mastery
Feb 16, 2020 · Medi Gun is medic's most important weapon and is, indeed, one of the reasons why he's regarded as "the mann of medicine". Using LMB on a teammate will start healing him, which builds ÜberCharge. ÜberCharge takes atleast 40 seconds to build if healing injured teammates, 80 seconds when healing only full health teammates.
What Is The Best Medigun For Medic? - Steam Community
Medic as of now has 4 mediguns, The Stock, Quick-Fix, Vaccinator, and Kritzkrieg. Which raises the question. Which Medigun is best for Every situation, Like Pocketing a teammate or keeping the team ali
how does Medic's gun work? :: Team Fortress 2 General Discussions
Sep 18, 2023 · The Medi Gun's beam stays locked onto its target as long as the wielding Medic keeps the primary fire button (default key: MOUSE1) held down and stays within range. This allows the Medic to turn around and effectively keep an eye out for incoming enemies from behind, and even heal allies from around corners.
Steam Community :: Guide :: Vaccinator: Basic Usage
Dec 22, 2012 · Unlike other Medi Guns, the Vaccinator is incapable of supporting an entire team alone. While the Medi Gun and Kritzkrieg are capable of fully overhealing teammates, and the Quick-Fix has a faster healing rate, the Vaccinator falls into a middle ground that makes it a liability in large groups.
Steam Community :: Guide :: The Right Medi Gun for the Job!
The Medi Gun can heal teammates at a steady rate, and if they are full health he even can provide an overheal, granting an extra ammount beyond the limit of the patient class. In addition to a +3 self healing per second passive ability, the Medic has a number of other supportive abilities focused on the team or himself, and those vary depending ...
TF2 Guide - Medi Gun Choice - Steam Community
Hey Guys ! It´s been a while since I made a TF2 related , so I have decided to make another one ! Ladies and Gentlemen , dear players , today , I bring you another TF2 guide related to a Medic
Professional Killstreak Medi Gun Kit Fabricator - Steam Community
Jul 3, 2013 · Professional Killstreak Medi Gun Kit Fabricator. Buy Now 9800 руб. 9373,92 руб. 8521,75 руб. ...
Steam Community Market :: Listings for Strange Medi Gun
Jul 3, 2013 · Team Fortress 2 > Strange Medi Gun The appearance of items in the individual listings may vary slightly from the one above. For example, items could have custom names, descriptions, or colors.
Killstreak Medi Gun Kit - Steam Community Market
Jul 3, 2013 · Killstreak Medi Gun Kit. Buy Now 8,05zł 7,70zł 7,00zł Killstreak Medi Gun Kit < > Showing 1-10 of ...
Strange Diamond Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I - Steam Community
Jul 3, 2013 · Strange Diamond Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I. Buy Now 15,38₴ 14,72₴ 13,39₴ Strange Diamond Botkiller Medi ...