Advantage Plus Endoscope Reprocessor | STERIS
Find the Medivators Hook-Up Guide Here. Advantage Plus Automated Endoscope Reprocessor ensures thorough, compliant cleaning and disinfection of endoscopes in healthcare settings.
MEDIVATORS Hookup Support
Welcome to the MEDIVATORS Hookup Guide! This interactive tool searches for the corresponding MEDIVATORS hookup for your endoscope model. To get started, click on the …
MEDIVATORS™ DSD EDGE™ Automated Endoscope Reprocessor - STERIS
Quickly and efficiently high level disinfect endoscopes with a cycle time as short as 22 minutes in the MEDIVATORS DSD EDGE Dual Basin Automated Endoscope Reprocessor (AER). The …
The ADVANTAGE is suitable for reprocessing most makes and models of flexible endoscopes used for diagnostic or therapeutic examinations. Included among these endoscopes are those …
This manual is for the MEDIVATORS® CER OPTIMA® automatic endoscope reprocessor which is available in the following models: CER-1 OPTIMA, Single endoscope reprocessing capability
MEDIVATORS™ - STERIS - CANTEL - PDF Catalogs | Technical …
Fast & Simple Operation for Improved Efficiency • Full cycle in 20 minutes with channel monitoring • Simple, user-friendly handling and operation • Insertion of endoscopes and …
Steris Medivators CER-2 Optima Endoscope Reprocessor
Compact Automated Endoscope Reprocessor designed to quickly reprocess one or two immersible endoscopes per cycle. The CER features simple, push-button operation, a large …
Medivators CER-2 Optima Endoscope Reprocessing System
All Medivators endoscope reprocessors are designed and constructed to give years of dependable service. They provide a variety of automated yet variable time settings for. …
Medivators - Minntech DSD-201LT Community, Manuals and
Automated endoscope reprocessor features two fully-independent and asynchronous reprocessing basins for high-volume, quick endoscope turnaround. The Medivators® DSD …
Advantage Plus Endoscope Reprocessor | STERIS
MEDIVATORS ADVANTAGE PLUS Pass-Thru Automated Endoscope Reprocessor Accessories. This interactive tool searches for the corresponding MEDIVATORS hookup for your …