Please explain to a beginner: what is metaphysics?
Aug 21, 2015 · Metaphysics is the branch of thinking about what may exist, but we're not sure. Many phenomena had first an explanation on the metaphysics realm (also called mythology by some, though mythology is more about the three realms at the same time); only later science described those phenomena in terms of known causes and quantities.
What are some real-life applications of metaphysics?
May 18, 2016 · How has metaphysics impacted the real-world, if at all? The difference between these two questions becomes clear if we consider another example. An enumeration of the 'real-world applications' of music might include prenatal music therapy, whereas the impact of music on the world is so much broader than any single 'application' that it would ...
What is the difference between metaphysics and ontology?
Metaphysics is a very broad field, and metaphysicians attempt to answer questions about how the world is. Ontology is a related sub-field, partially within metaphysics, that answers questions of what things exist in the world. An ontology posits which entities exist in the world.
What is the nature of reality? Metaphysics: so the answer will …
Feb 21, 2024 · Metaphysics is an old term, totally overladen with speculations and claims from millenia of philosophy. In order to change the term into small but valid coin: The best insight into reality is the standard model of cosmology. It spans the frame in the dimensions of space and time. It clarifies that the universe exists the longest time without ...
metaphysics - What does Derrida mean by "presence"?
Oct 9, 2024 · In traditional metaphysics, being is defined as identity in presence. Although Husserlian phenomenology tried to move beyond this idea, it ultimately did not succeed. It continued to assume that identity is more fundamental than difference, closeness more original than distance, and that presence comes before any form of absence or negativity.
What is the purpose of answers to metaphysical questions?
Mar 18, 2015 · Metaphysics has no utility in this sense and I challenge anyone on this site to provide an obvious counter example that doesn’t trot out some clap trap about ‘understanding’. Pace Logical Positivism, I think the significance of what you might call “the social utility of representation” is however, hopelessly over looked.
metaphysics - Is there not a muddy overlap between the great ...
Jul 10, 2024 · However, by the late 19th and early 20th centuries 'metaphysics' had gained a colloquial meaning of 'grand theory': sophisticated, abstract, and speculative, but detached from reality. The idealism of someone like Hegel did not resonate in a world of rampaging industrial destruction, total war, and other forms of wholesale brutality.
metaphysics - What is the difference between the spiritual and the ...
May 30, 2020 · Metaphysics deals with one naturalistic transcendental being — the human subject — and its relationship to objects, other human subjects, and abstract concepts. Spirituality presumes one, or several, or a multitude, of other transcendental beings — spirits, which might be gods, or demons, or ghosts, or some essence that is embodied in ...
Newest 'metaphysics' Questions - Philosophy Stack Exchange
Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the essence of things, of the fundamental nature of being and the world and the principles that organize the universe. Metaphysics is supposed to answer the question "What is the nature of reality?"
What is the distinction between mysticism and metaphysics?
Dec 14, 2015 · Metaphysics might investigate what being or knowing or time is; it tries to get at the objective roots of our subjective experience, in order to understand the place of humanity in the cosmos. Depending on how one approaches it, metaphysics and mysticism are either logical complements or strict antagonists, and the antagonism comes more easily ...