Methylone - Drugs-Forum
Jul 19, 2010 · Methylone, also known as "M1", 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylcathinone, and bk-MDMA is an entactogen (class of psychoactive drugs that produce distinctive emotional and social effects similar to those of MDMA()) and stimulant of the amphetamine, phenethylamine, and cathinone classes.
Methylone vs MDMA | Bluelight.org
Jun 16, 2006 · Methylone lets too many of the dopamine demons loose in your brain, which leads to an almost complusive redosing for some people (I think that's your cocaine comparison). It's main saving grace is it doesn't whack you hard in the …
Mephedrone vs Methylone - Bluelight.org
Nov 29, 2010 · After doing a bit of reading on erowid about Methylone (bk-MDMA), it's effects, as well as duration seem similar to that of Mephedrone (4-methymethcathinone). But never having tried methylone, i was hoping some people could make some pros and cons, and comparisons of methylone to mephedrone...
Opinions - Methylone (bk-MDMA) vs. MDMA - Drugs-Forum
May 11, 2011 · Re: bk-MDMA vs MDMA For SWIM, methylone would absolutely be an MDMA-equivalent drug if its effects lasted longer. . The effects are almost indistinguishable for SWIM, with methylone being slightly more energetic/euphoric than pure MDMA (she likes feeling "energized" more than "relaxe
Experiences with Methylone.... - Bluelight.org
Jun 9, 2011 · yeh saying Methylone is weak version of MDMA is liek saying MDA/MDEA to MDMA, just not the same. Whether methylone, butylone, Methedrone MBDB, EDMA, PMMA, PMA etc u cant say its weaker version of MDMA. It is because it isnt MDMA, just a similar compound chemically. Its like saying my xr6 is good, but a weaker version of the xr6 turbo or xr8
Methylone - Bluelight.org
Dec 26, 2003 · As the methylone came on, I felt great for about twenty minutes but slowly I started to feel horrible (general feeling of illness, ‘strung out’ feeling) and for some reason the methylone seemed to cover up the 2C-I completely. Even the visual effects of the 2C-I disappeared. Odder yet, I really didn't feel high on the methylone either.
Is Methylone an ether of Methcathinone? | Bluelight.org
Dec 3, 2008 · Methylone, also known as "M1", 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylcathinone, bk-MDMA, MDMC, and in the UK as Arlone, is an entactogen and stimulant of the phenethylamine, amphetamine, and cathinone classes. It was originally patented by Peyton Jacob and Alexander Shulgin in 1996 as an antidepressant.[1]
Drug information SPARKLE - NON BZP??? Is this Methylone?
Oct 22, 2009 · Re: Mephedrone (2-Methylamino-1-p-tolylpropan-1-one) experiences Background I thought it would be nice to upload a detailed review of "Sparkle" (LP Sparkle I believe is the full name), however I do not have an internet connection.
Methylone (IV) - Experienced (orally) - There is No Better Rush.
Nov 9, 2002 · It would be confusing for someone that was just beginning with Methylone. It was just a half a minute after I had shot it, and my eyes were going nuts. My vision was sparkling, and there's also that "sound" feeling that you get with IV Cocaine use, but it isn't as profound with Methylone. The rush lasted a good half hour to forty five minutes!
methylone and butylone overdose - Bluelight.org
Dec 3, 2010 · I think Methylone has very addictive properties, and combined with my compulsiveness, i kept redosing like a motherfucker. Now Ecstasy data says the ratio of Methylone to Butylone is 2:1 in these specific pills, and the overall mg content of the pill is 244mg.