Mil Mi-4 - Wikipedia
The Mil Mi-4 (USAF /DoD reporting name "Type 36", [1] NATO reporting name "Hound") [2][3][4] is a Soviet transport helicopter that served in both military and civilian roles. The Mi-4 was designed in response to the American H-19 Chickasaw and the deployment of U.S. helicopters during the Korean War.
Mi-4AV | War Thunder Wiki
The Mi-4AV (NATO reporting name: Hound), was introduced in Update 1.81 "The Valkyries". The Mi-4AV is the starter helicopter for the Soviet tech tree, and at first seems very underwhelming, but once familiarized can be one of the best starter helicopters in the game.
Is the Mi-4AV really that bad? : r/Warthunder - Reddit
Oct 13, 2019 · It's mostly the ATGM grind that's terrible because the missiles are decent. However it is a large target, it is loud, slow and has poor maneuverability. The gun is not very good and it has a tendency to roll over during even moderate maneuvers.
Do someone know why the Mi-4AV is ALWAYS shifted a little to ... - Reddit
Aug 20, 2022 · Conventional helicopters are inherently very asymmetric, more so than prop planes where all you need to do is increase one wing's length by 10 cm or rotate the vertical stabilizer by a degree or two. And so the Mi-4AV is somewhat symetrical, so not very stable.
Mil Mi-4 (Hound) Multi-Mission / Utility Helicopter - Military Factory
Feb 20, 2020 · The Mi-4A was a specially configured assault transport model followed by the Mi-4AV armed platforms that included support for rockets, bombs, and incendiaries. Some 185 examples were converted to this standard - see the variants listing for a complete showcase.
Mi-4AV | Sluggish but Deadly | War Thunder - YouTube
Jan 5, 2024 · One such variant was the Mi-4AV variant, where "AV" stands for "атаковать вооруженный" ("Atakovat Vooruzhennyy" — "Assault, Armed"). The Mi-4AV would serve a long and eventful life all around...
Mi-4AV - Heliborne Wiki
The Mil Mi-4 is a Soviet transport helicopter. It has seen service in a full range of roles and operations and was used widley by both military forces and civilian forces. The Mi-4AV comes after the Mi-1MU and costs...
Why does the MI-4AV have no flares? - War Thunder
Dec 18, 2023 · The MI-4AV, an embodiment of Soviet aeronautical prowess, traverses the celestial domains with an air of mystery, challenging conventional expectations. Strikingly absent from its repertoire of defensive mechanisms are the luminescent saviors of the sky – flares.
How to grind Mi-4AV without committing an act of domestic …
Aug 21, 2020 · It will be a hell of a grind and you'll probably get bored after the first few matches, but don't give up! You'll master the MI-4AV towards the end and you'll learn to love it in time. (I still call it MI-shit though)
Mil Mi-4 helicopter - development history, photos, technical data
In the basic version, NATO reporting name Hound-A, the Mi-4 is a transport helicopter, with a crew of two and provision for observer in a gondola beneath the forward fuselage. The engine is installed in the nose, leaving ample room in the cabin to accommodate up to 14 combat equipped troops, small vehicles or 1,600kg of supplies.