Mil Mi-4 - Wikipedia
The Mil Mi-4 (USAF /DoD reporting name "Type 36", [1] NATO reporting name "Hound") [2][3][4] is a Soviet transport helicopter that served in both military and civilian roles. The Mi-4 was …
Mi-4AV | War Thunder Wiki
The Mi-4AV (NATO reporting name: Hound), was introduced in Update 1.81 "The Valkyries". The Mi-4AV is the starter helicopter for the Soviet tech tree, and at first seems very …
Is the Mi-4AV really that bad? : r/Warthunder - Reddit
Oct 13, 2019 · It's mostly the ATGM grind that's terrible because the missiles are decent. However it is a large target, it is loud, slow and has poor maneuverability. The gun is not very …
Do someone know why the Mi-4AV is ALWAYS shifted a little to ... - Reddit
Aug 20, 2022 · Conventional helicopters are inherently very asymmetric, more so than prop planes where all you need to do is increase one wing's length by 10 cm or rotate the vertical …
Mil Mi-4 (Hound) Multi-Mission / Utility Helicopter - Military Factory
Feb 20, 2020 · The Mi-4A was a specially configured assault transport model followed by the Mi-4AV armed platforms that included support for rockets, bombs, and incendiaries. Some 185 …
Mi-4AV | Sluggish but Deadly | War Thunder - YouTube
Jan 5, 2024 · One such variant was the Mi-4AV variant, where "AV" stands for "атаковать вооруженный" ("Atakovat Vooruzhennyy" — "Assault, Armed"). The Mi-4AV would serve a …
Mi-4AV - Heliborne Wiki
The Mil Mi-4 is a Soviet transport helicopter. It has seen service in a full range of roles and operations and was used widley by both military forces and civilian forces. The Mi-4AV comes …
Why does the MI-4AV have no flares? - War Thunder
Dec 18, 2023 · The MI-4AV, an embodiment of Soviet aeronautical prowess, traverses the celestial domains with an air of mystery, challenging conventional expectations. Strikingly …
How to grind Mi-4AV without committing an act of domestic …
Aug 21, 2020 · It will be a hell of a grind and you'll probably get bored after the first few matches, but don't give up! You'll master the MI-4AV towards the end and you'll learn to love it in time. (I …
Mil Mi-4 helicopter - development history, photos, technical data
In the basic version, NATO reporting name Hound-A, the Mi-4 is a transport helicopter, with a crew of two and provision for observer in a gondola beneath the forward fuselage. The engine …