List of U.S. military prisons - Wikipedia
This is a list of U.S. military prisons and brigs operated by the US Department of Defense for prisoners and convicts from the United States military.
Military prison - Wikipedia
Military prisons are used variously to house prisoners of war, unlawful combatants, those whose freedom is deemed a national security risk by the military or national authorities, and members of the military found guilty of a serious crime.
MCIEAST Regional Brig - Marine Corps Installations East
The MCI-East Regional Brig is a Level-1 confinement facility which serves as a place of confinement for both pre-trial and post-trial prisoners serving a sentence of up to one year.
How Military Prison Differs from a Federally-Run Correctional …
Oct 24, 2022 · Military prisons are typically used to house prisoners of war (POWs), unlawful combatants, those who pose a risk to national security and military members who have been found guilty of serious crimes.
Chesapeake - MyNavyHR
Provides military escort services for adjudged prisoners transferring to consolidated brig. Please call the Brig Legal Officer at 843-794-0996 (DSN: 794-0996) to schedule an appointment to speak...
US Military (MIL) Jails, Brigs: Search Inmates and Facilities
Nov 27, 2014 · Female felons serve their sentences at the Naval Consolidated Brig, Miramar, San Diego, California. A brig is a military prison on a Navy or Coast Guard vessel or at a Navy or Marine Corps base. The term recalls the historical use of two-masted, square-rigged sailing ships, or brigs, as prisons.
What is a military brig? | [March Updated] - TheGunZone
Feb 21, 2024 · A military brig is a military prison used to confine and discipline service members who have committed offenses while on active duty. It is similar to civilian prisons but is specifically for military personnel.
What does brig mean in the military? | [March Updated]
Feb 9, 2024 · A brig in the military is essentially a military prison or confinement facility. It’s a place where service members who have been convicted of crimes under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) or are awaiting trial are detained.
MCIPAC REGIONAL BRIG - United States Marine Corps
Marine Corps Installations Pacific Brig serves as the regional Level I Military Confinement Facility for both male and female prisoners for up to one year of post-trial confinement. The Marine...
Inmate Search | US Military Prisons & Jails (MIL) - Jail Exchange
Jail Exchange is a comprehensive source for helpful information on every US Military prison or brig. Inmate communication resources.