Lion - Wikipedia
Not to be confused with Mountain lion or Lyon. The lion (Panthera leo) is a large cat of the genus Panthera, native to Africa and India. It has a muscular, broad-chested body; a short, rounded …
Lion evolution according to genome sequencing
Jun 8, 2020 · The American lion (Panthera leo atrox), which stalked North America until around the Late Pleistocene (14,000 years ago), was the first of the “modern” lion species to go …
New Study on the Evolutionary History of Extinct and Living Lions
May 5, 2020 · Around 70,000 years ago, modern lions clearly split into two distinct lineages: (1) Lions found in central, eastern and southern Africa today; and (2) Indian, West African, and …
The genetic ancestry of modern lions - John Hawks
May 4, 2020 · All living lions appear to stem from a Late Pleistocene common ancestry: The deepest divergence within modern lions was between the northern and southern lineages (Fig. …
Cave Lions and Modern-Day Lions Are Separate Species
Aug 6, 2020 · Cave lions (Panthera spelaea) were common predators that roamed the Earth during the last Ice Age. A recent genetic study revealed that the modern-day lion (Panthera …
From Caves to the Savannah, the Mitogenome History of Modern Lions ...
The modern lion lineage diverged ~151 kya and was divided into two subspecies, both containing three distinct haplogroups. We confirm that Panthera leo persica is not a subspecies, but …
The origin, current diversity and future conservation of the modern ...
Our results suggest that the modern lion may currently consist of three geographic populations on the basis of their recent evolutionary history: North African–Asian, southern African and middle …
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Our results suggest that the modern lion may currently consist of three geographic populations on the basis of their recent evolutionary history: North African–Asian, southern African and middle …
Lion genetics study uncovers major consequences of habitat ...
Nov 3, 2020 · Over the course of only a century, humanity has made an observable impact on the genetic diversity of the lion population. That's the conclusion of a recently published study by …