torah study - Teen Summer Learning Programs - Mi Yodeya
Jun 6, 2014 · Camp morasha kollel program: officially modern orthodox, although on the righter wing side of it. Torah study is a main feature of this program, and the students are exposed to the spiritual guidance and mussar shoomzen of Rav Yitzchok Cohen who's style is very passionate.
tznius modesty - How "separated" must men & women be to …
(Anecdotally, Morasha Kollel is a religious, men's learning camp, under the auspices of Rav Mordechai Willig, in the Poconos that has swimming for the men at one end of the large lake simultaneously with swimming for women at the main camp at the other end.
Why are specifically the land of Israel and the Torah called a …
Jan 9, 2018 · The latter is also termed morasha since each generation is obligated in it just like the first generation if recipients. In his commentary to Deuteronomy (33:4) he writes similarly in the name of R. Naftali Hertz Weissel, that the Torah is called מורשה not ירושה, since as Avot (2:12) states, the Torah is not a ירושה.
eretz yisrael - Breslov Kollel In RBS - Mi Yodeya
Jul 1, 2020 · kollel Like any library, Mi Yodeya offers tons of great information, but does not offer personalized, professional advice , and does not take the place of seeking such advice from your rabbi . Featured on Meta
history - How and when did the word "Kollel" come to mean "an ...
How and when did the word "Kollel" come to mean "an institution for paying scholars to study Torah"? If I'm not mistaken, the Hebrew word "kollel" means "includes." But today we've all heard of the noun Kollel; "Shmerel learns at Rabbi Goldstein's …
torah study - Supporting a son-in-law in kollel - Mi Yodeya
Sep 5, 2016 · If a father-in-law is helping support his son-in-law who is learning in Kollel, does the father-in-law get reward for the son-in-law's limud ha'torah? Does it depend on how much he is giving and/or...
history - Source for not putting everyone in a kollel - Mi Yodeya
Jul 21, 2016 · I have not heard of the historical pro-Kollel angle that you mentioned. I would disagree that this is a "new" idea, though, unless I'm mistranslating your intent on "new". However, my rav mentioned that Pirkei Avot ch 5 (forgot exact mishan) states a list of "age" milestones. At 18 one gets married and at 20 one is supposed to work.
PTIJ: Full-time Torah learning? What about issur kolel?
You've made some incorrect assumptions about the kollel. I've learned in a kollel, sometimes at night and sometimes during the day. So, it's not exclusive to those studying all day not "earning a living". There are numerous workers, as myself, who study in a kollel. Second - who says that kollel is reserved for married people?
Kollel avreichim who are not learning (properly) are rodfim?
Jun 28, 2015 · No. If you slack off at work you're stealing from your employer. This is obvious. If an alleged talmid chacham does this with a kollel then they are also creating a chillul hashem which only death atones for. אוי לו לרבו שלימדו תורה –
words - Nachalah vs. Morasha - Mi Yodeya
Jul 10, 2017 · Rabbi Riskin gives the same explanation of these two words but expands on the idea by claiming that an inheritance is given over easily. a heritage is given via much intensive work. he also emphasizes that together with the Torah, as mentioned in the verse that you cited, the land of Israel is also called a Morasha (Shemot 6:9.)