Bombas Zeda - Bombas centrífugas de todos tipos
Desde el comienzo de la década de los años treinta, nuestra principal actividad continúa siendo la fabricación de bombas centrífugas de todo tipo, potencia y para todo tipo de líquidos, así como el diseño y desarrollo de equipos para su directa aplicación.
Bombas Zeda - Centrifugal pumps of all kind
Bombas Zeda has the Certificate of Quality ISO 9001 issued by SGS after checking that the company carry out with all the requirements marked by the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2000 Standar.
Serie V - Bombas Zeda
Eje de bomba con rodamiento propio e independiente del eje del motor. Acoplamiento elástico entre motor y bomba. Sellado por cierre mecánico. Aspiración inferior e impulsión superior opuesta. Bridas roscadas Rg. Sentido de giro horario, visto desde el acoplamiento.
BOMBAS ZEDA, S.A - Empresa y empresa
Sep 22, 2024 · Empresa vasca con más de 70 años de experiencia en el diseño, fabricación, distribución e instalación de bombas centrífugas. Especializados en múltiples modelos, desde …
Products And Equipment From Bombas Zeda | Environmental XPRT
Controllers for Electric and Diesel Pumps Applications: Bombas Zeda manufactures controllers for all applications in the field of hydraulic pumps. Lobbying, supply pumps, fire equipment, etc.. Our range includes control panels for both pumps driven by electric motors and diesel ...
BOMBAS ZEDA ZQ-ZQR Series - farisintl.com
Temperatures to 120 º C (248º F) in the ZQ series and 180 º C (356º F) in the series ZQR. Sealing by mechanical seal or soft packed gland. Suction flange and drive top center front. Flanges DIN-2532 PN-10 or DIN-2533 PN-16. On request ANSI 150, 300 or 600 lbs. Clockwise rotation seen from the coupling.
Portable Units - Bombas Zeda
Lightweight gasoline engine two-stroke two-cylinder and cooled by forced air. Dual ignition system. Manual start and / or battery power. Power 22 Kw (30 hp) @ 4,500 rpm. Fuel tank 20 …
BOMBAS ZEDA ZK Series - farisintl.com
BOMBAS ZEDA ZK Series Speed: 1,500 to 1,800 r.p.m Temperatures to 120 º C (248 º F). Sealing by mechanical seal or gasket. Flange suction and discharge side university.
Bombas Zeda - Manufacturer Of Centrifugal Pumps
Since the beginning of the thirties our main activity is still being the manufacture of centrifugal pumps in all types, powers and for all kinds of liquids. As well as the design and development of groups for a direct application.
Bombas Zeda, S.A. - plantautomation-technology.com
Bombas Zeda, S.A. - Get all the info about the company along with its product lines, company locations and major contacts
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