Th e Z380 offers a con - tinuing growth path for present Z80-or Z180-based designs, while maintaining Z80 ® CPU and Z180 MPU object-code compatibility. The Z380 MPU enhancements include an improved 280 CPU, expanded 4-Gbyte space and flexible bus interface timing. An enhanced version of the Z80 CPU is key to the Z380 MPU. The basic addressing
The Z380 CPU is a binary-compatible extension of the Z80 CPU and the Z180 CPU architecture. High throughput rates are achieved by a high clock rate, high bus band-width, and instruction fetch/execute overlap. Communi-cating to the external world through an 8-bit or 16-bit data bus, the Z380 CPU is a full 32-bit machine internally, with
Zilog Z80 - Wikipedia
Zilog also continued to enhance the basic design of the Z80 with several successors, including the Z180, Z280, and Z380, with the latest iteration, the eZ80, introduced in 2001 and available for purchase as of 2025.
The Z380—A 16, 32-Bit Z80® CPU Key features of Z380 include: • Full static CMOS design with low-power standby mode support • 32-bit internal data paths and ALU • 16-bit (64K) or 32-bit (4G) linear addressing space • 16-bit internal data bus • Two clock cycle minimum instruction execution • Two clock cycle Memory bus
The Z380™ Microprocessor is an integrated high-performance microprocessor with fast and efficient through-put and increased memory addressing capabilities. The Z380™ offers a continuing growth path for present Z80-or Z180-based designs, while maintaining Z80® CPU and Z180® MPU object-code compatibility. The Z380™ MPU
The eight-bit Z80 is dead. Long live the 16-bit Z80! - The Register
Apr 26, 2024 · Zilog has announced that it will end production of the original, classic DIP-format, pin-through-hole eight-bit Z80 processor. Although there will be stock in the channel for a while, all the same this is bad news for many hobbyist computer builders… but all is not lost. The company is still trading 50 years after it was founded.
Zilog Z380 — Википедия
Zilog Z380 — 32-битный микропроцессор, выпускаемый с 1994 года.
Z80 MOTOROLA Search Results - The Datasheet Archive
Text: THE Z380 — A 16-, 32-BIT Z80 CPU ZILOG The Z380™—A 16-, 32-Bit Z80® CPU by James Magill and Craig MacKenna INTRODUCTION Zilog's Z80® 8-bit CPU, with its powerful instruction set, fast execution time and extensively installed software base, continues to be extremely popular in today's 32-bit world.
Zilog Z380 - acearchive.org
The Zilog Z380 and Z382 are 16/32-bit CPUs from 1994, Z80 compatible but released later than its competitors. The chip has a 32-bit processing and can address 4GB directly. The Z382 is a data communications controller with additional I/O features.
About: Zilog Z380 - DBpedia Association
El Z380 es un procesador de 16-bit/32 bits de Zilog, presentado en 1994. Es compatible con el Z80, pero fue lanzado mucho más tarde que sus competidores (el Intel 80386 y el Motorola 68020) y por ello nunca pudo obtener un porcentaje del mercado significativo.