Avio Mouton | Baxter
Avio Mouton. Tanning and processing Item made from whole hides. Cowhide with a thickness of 1.2/1.4 mm. Chrome-tanned. Through-dyed with aniline. Water-based finish with acrylic and polyurethane pigments and resins. Maintenance This leather typology is undoubtedly among the ones with the easiest cleaning procedure.
Stig Baxter Chair - Milia Shop
Stig designed by Roberto Lazzeroni for Baxter is a chair with wengé-stained ash frame and differentiated density polyurethane foam filling with acrylic fibre covers. Details in metal with finish by choice. Upholstery in soft leathers and mouton only.
Lazy Bones Mouton - Baxter
Lazybones Mouton is a sculptural chair with mouton upholstery designed by Studiopepe with the idea of creating a three-legged seat inspired by monoliths and primitive architecture. Characterised by archetypal forms, the chair plays with the structure’s massive volumes contrasted with the softness and comfort of the padding and mouton upholstery.
Lazybones Lounge Chair | Baxter | Monologuelondon.com
Discover Lazybones, the unique leather chair with a contemporary personality. Designed by Studiopepe for Baxter.
Upholstery: upholstery in mouton. FINITURE DISPONIBILI/AVAILABLE FINISHES montone bianco white mouton montone avio avio mouton montone crema cream mouton STUDIOPEPE LAZYBONES LOUNGE MOUTON. Created Date:
Imbottitura: imbottitura in poliuretano espanso a densità differenziata con rivestimento in fibra acrilica. Molleggio: molleggio a nastri elastici intrecciati di caucciù rivestito. Piedi: rotelle in PVC. Rivestimento: rivestimento in montone. Frame: frame in poplar plywood.
Olaf Baxter Armchair - Miliashop
Olaf designed by Roberto Lazzeroni for Baxter is an armchair with wengé-stained ash structure and differentiated density polyurethane foam filling with acrylic fibre covers. Decorative piping in the same shade of the upholstery. Upholstery in soft leathers and mouton only.
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Corinne Baxter Chair - Miliashop
Seat and back frame in curved birch and poplar plywood. Differentiated density polyurethane foam filling with acrylic fibre cover. Springing with woven elastic straps of covered rubber. Corinne Baxter Chair. Corinne designed by Roberto Lazzeroni for Baxter is …
Amburgo Baby Lounge Chair | Baxter | Monologuelondon.com
Discover Amburgo Baby, an armchair upholstered in sheepskin. Designed by Paola Navone for Baxter.