The National Association of Students of Architecture (NASA, India) is the largest architectural student body in the world with over 300 dues-paying colleges with participation from other …
NASA | About-Us
At NASA, India we believe that architects can come together, learn and create a huge positive impact on the world, and strive for the same through our activities. Millions of students have …
NASA | Registration
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Trophies - NASA
Through joint activities, the parties wish to increase the awareness of India rich, diverse and unprotected historic environments
NASA India
Registered under Societies Act 1860,AN ISO 9001:2008 certified organization. LOGIN
NASA INDIA - National Association of Students of Architecture
The National Association of Students of Architecture (NASA, India) is the largest architectural student body in the world with over 300 dues-paying colleges with participation from other …
Council - NASA
Maaz Multani. Zonal President - Zone 2. Read More. RAHUL MANGE. Zonal President - Zone 3. Read More. Likith Jain. Zonal President - Zone 5. Read More
NASA | How to be a member
All applications for membership must be submitted in person to the National Secretary, NASA India during the First Council Meet. The ex-unit secretary of the college aspiring for …
TPS Online - NASA
The 64th year interunit Zonal event saw a collaboration of SPADE with NASA; its largest online event in zone 6 titled FARRAGO. The theme being ‘Coalescence in Architecture’. As you start …
NASA | Online Library | Publications
The annual newsletter describing the chronology of events throughout the year here at NASA, India. Also, NASA, India’s news broadcast online, keeping you up to date with the happenings!