why can I not find flags/#enable-npapi in Edge on Win11
Dec 2, 2022 · NPAPI is quite an old architecture created for Netscape browsers in 1995. Currently, there is no browser that supports NPAPI, this feature was discontinued on the Chromium-based browsers in 2015. To be able to use the NPAPI, you can try to use an old version of Mozilla Firefox which supports the NPAPI.
NPAPI Support is currently disabled. - Microsoft Community
May 20, 2016 · If you don't see IE then enable it by right-clicking the Start button > Programs and Features > Click the Turn Windows features on or off link to the left > In the Windows Features dialog ensure IE11 is checked:
Where to download the last Chrome version with Java (NPAPI) …
Oct 18, 2015 · The Google Chrome browser version 45 completely dropped support for NPAPI in September 2015. This means plugins for Java, Silverlight, Facebook Video and other similar NPAPI based plugins will no longer run in Chrome.
Is it no longer possible enable NPAPI on Chrome? - Super User
May 10, 2016 · I read that I could re-enable NPAPI in Chrome after Google decided to stop supporting these plugins (I suppose in order to force developers to embrace WebGL solutions) but the flag doesnt show up in the most recent version of Chrome (50.0.2661.94 m). Is it no longer possible enable NPAPI on Chrome?
Can Edge in IE Compatibility Mode support NPAPI
IE supports NPAPI for Java Plug-Ins. With IE being desupported, it has been announced that Edge will offer IE compatibility mode. Will Edge's IE compatibility mode allow NPAPI support?
Installing NPAPI plugin for google chrome and mozilla firefox
Feb 23, 2011 · In FireFox, place your plugin in the FireFox installation folder under a new/existing folder called "plugins", then restart FireFox and it should then be read to use.
How do I enable Java in Microsoft Edge web browser?
Aug 4, 2015 · IE 11 continues to support NPAPI (incl Java Applets). IE11 is squirrelled away ( c:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe ). Just pin this exe to your task bar for easy access.
edge://flags/#enable-npapi【NPAPI如何开启?】 - Microsoft …
Jul 11, 2024 · 感谢回复和分享,根据可以查询到的信息目前大多数浏览器已经不支持 NPAPI(安全和性能问题)。若需使用可能仅能通过兼容性更好的方式或者使用某些旧的浏览器版本,但对于有安全性要求时并不太建议这样做。 Best Regards
Cannot install NPAPI Flash Player plug-in in Google Chrome
Why NPAPI plugins don’t work now. In the past, many plugins were developed using an old system called NPAPI. Today fewer sites are using NPAPI plugins and they have often caused security risks on websites. To make browsing with Chrome safer, faster, and more stable, we stopped allowing NPAPI plugins on September 1, 2015.
How to re-enable Java plugin on Google Chrome 42 on Windows
In addition, setting any of the plugin Enterprise policies (e.g. EnabledPlugins, PluginsAllowedForUrls) will temporarily re-enable NPAPI. So, April came and Google Chrome disabled NPAPI plugins, including Java. How to re-enable them on Windows machines?