Free online NREMT Basic CEU's? - EMTLIFE
Mar 27, 2017 · I was doing a search online for some free web based training classes to finish up some CEU's for my NREMT recertification coming up very quickly. With WI not requiring the NREMT certification to stay current, my recert date snuck up on me. While I can let it lapse and just maintain my WI cert, I figure since I have it, I might as well keep it.
Nov 16, 2008 · NREMT counts CMEs on an hour by hour basis. For college courses, a maximum of 24 hours per course type can be applied to the non-refresher CME requirment. So, as long as you spent 24 hours or more in a course, you can get 24 hours.
EMT-F (fireline EMT) Wildland NREMT CEU question | EMTLIFE
Jan 28, 2015 · My advice is to just NREMT recert via the written exam and attend any con-ed you think is going to be interesting or helpful to you without needing to worry if it is good for the recert requirements. Much simpler and less stressful and you get to take the CEUs you really want and it will probably be cheaper that way too if you're paying out of ...
how do it recertify nremt if not affiliated? - EMTLIFE
Mar 18, 2013 · 4. Make an application to NREMT as an "initial applicant"--we're not recertifying! Your application will link you to a skills sign off sheet which your skills examiner will have to sign. 5. Fax/email a copy of: your refresher course completion cert., your skills sign-off sheet, and your CPR card to NREMT. 6.
Nursing school counting as CEU? - EMTLIFE
Dec 11, 2016 · NREMT does have a new rule (I was told) where if you submit your recert early (say today for the March 31 2017 deadline), you could count all CE between today and March 31 2017 for your next recert. The only 3 acute pathologies are trauma, toxins and infection.
NREMT vs State Emt - EMTLIFE
Mar 18, 2010 · NREMT, as we all know, is core + 48 electives in 2 years. If you choose to maintain your NREMT, you must complete twice as many (soon to be four or six times as many) CEUs. Which is a good thing in my opinion, but not in the opinion of those who want to keep their certs with minimal effort.
Jun 26, 2010 · I would imagine that if you can get a syllabus from your ATC CE class, forward it on to the National Registry and see if they'll accept that ATC CE class towards some part of your NREMT CE requirements. It's a long shot as the NATA and the National Registry probably don't "converse" much about CEU stuff.
College Class Hours? - EMTLIFE
Mar 21, 2013 · NREMT's EMT recert brochure says: The following are maximum hours per course that can be applied towards Additional EMS Related Continuing Education hours: • A maximum number of 24 hours can be applied from any one topic area But later they say: College Courses Hour for hour credit...
Feb 24, 2011 · I was updating my CEU's on the NREMT site today, and found that I need to enter a bunch of stuff from work, which is a bit of a pain. Then I had a bright idea. Over the last year or so, I took human biology and pharmacology at NVCC. I called NREMT, and they said that you get 12 CEU's for each...
Does NIMS count for recert CEUs? - EMTLIFE
Mar 27, 2010 · I know they accept CECBEMS distributive education, and I have used some of their videos for a decent portion of my CEUs. I am falling a few short and I already have IS 100 and 200 done, and can probably knock out 700 and …