NSF 101: The NSF brand identity - National Science Foundation
Apr 5, 2024 · The "Official Policy on Brand Standards of the U.S. National Science Foundation" outlines a framework to support the agency's written, verbal and visual identity. This policy identifies permissions and requirements for recipients, contractors, partners and others who may want to use the NSF logo.
UNM's Visual Identity - University of New Mexico
The primary UNM logo is the standalone mark, although the logo including the name "The University of New Mexico" can be used when representing UNM to a national or international audience. The logo should only appear in the color variations shown below.
HSC Logos - University of New Mexico
The primary UNM logo is a standalone mark that represents the entire institution. Effective January 2022, the updated standard UNM Health Sciences logo helps unify the institutional visual identity and furthers our mission of one university .
Tsu, Logo, Nsf - Texas Southern University Seal - NicePNG
Tsu, Logo, Nsf - Texas Southern University Seal is a totally free PNG image with transparent background and its resolution is 353x352. You can always download and modify the image size according to your needs.
NSF Policy on Brand Standards - Policies | NSF - NSF - National …
The policy provides guidance to agency staff, award recipients, contractors, partners and the public regarding the use of the NSF logo and brand. This page briefly overviews who can and cannot use the NSF logo and how NSF award recipients can properly acknowledge NSF support.
UNM Brand Guidelines - The University of New Mexico
The visual aesthetic of the UNM brand is inspired by the campus itself. The stucco architectural texture, dramatic shadows, and vibrant color palette bring the feeling of being on campus to print and digital design.
NSF-STEM - University of New Mexico
This scholarship program is administered through UNM's Engineering Student Services (ESS). Scholarship Applications available every year April 1 thru July 1 (For the NSF S-STEM Scholarship Application, click here ).
Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual - University of New Mexico
Aug 1, 1997 · Information published by student organizations or by individual faculty, staff, or students is considered "unofficial" and may not carry the University logo, seal, or mascot without prior written approval from UCAM or UNM’s Trademarks & Licensing Administrator.
Category : Logos of the National Science Foundation
Sep 30, 2019 · Visitors from Capitol Hill, the research community and NSF check out R-V Sikuliaq during the ship’s visit to Woods Hole (14806596660).jpg 640 × 640; 158 KB Visitors from Capitol Hill, the research community and NSF check out R-V Sikuliaq during the ship’s visit to Woods Hole (14806608570).jpg 464 × 558; 190 KB
UNM Brand Guidelines | The University of New Mexico
Everyone who represents UNM adds depth and detail to the brand. Here, we provide you the tools to properly incorporate the brand, even if it’s just a new way to color our conversations about the University.
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