New Zealand falcon - Wikipedia
The New Zealand falcon (Māori: kārearea, kārewarewa, or kāiaia; Falco novaeseelandiae) is New Zealand's only falcon, and one of only four living native and two endemic birds of prey. [3] It is frequently mistaken for the larger and more common swamp harrier. It is the country's most threatened bird of prey, with only around 5000–15000 ...
New Zealand falcon | Kārearea | New Zealand Birds Online
The New Zealand falcon is a magpie-sized raptor that feeds predominantly on live prey. Adapted to hunt within the dense New Zealand forests they are also found in more open habitats such as tussocklands and roughly grazed hill country.
New Zealand falcon/kārearea: New Zealand native land birds
Capable of flying at speeds up to 200 km/h and catching prey larger than itself, the New Zealand falcon is one of our most spectacular birds.
KĀREAREA FALCON FACTS — Kārearea Falcon Trust
The New Zealand kārearea falcon is capable of flying at speeds over 100 km/h, and can catch prey larger than itself. They are extremely fast when diving in a high-speed attack dive called a ‘stoop’.
New Zealand falcon - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on
The New Zealand falcon (Māori: kārearea or kāiaia; Falco novaeseelandiae) is New Zealand's only falcon. Other common names for the bird are bush hawk and sparrow hawk. It is frequently mistaken for the larger and more common swamp harrier. It is the country's most threatened bird of prey, with only around 3000–5000 breeding pairs remaining.
The NZ Falcon » New Zealand Falcon
The New Zealand falcon or Kārearea (Falco novaeseelandiae) also known as Sparrow hawk, is one of sixty-four falcon species currently recognised in the world. Found only in New Zealand the NZ falcon is the only endemic bird of prey left in New Zealand and is most closely related to the Aplomado falcon of South America.
6 New Zealand Falcon Facts - New Zealand Nature Guy
Aug 10, 2019 · The New Zealand Falcon is one of the three native birds of prey on these islands. Here are some fun facts about this fast flying hunter.
New Zealand Birds | Birds | Gallery | Falco novaeseelandiae, New ...
Falco novaeseelandiae, falcon, New Zealand falcon, found in New Zealand Birds' bird gallery section, includes general information about the bird, taxonomy, description, where to find them and other useful and interesting information.
New Zealand Falcon - eBird
A compact raptor endemic to New Zealand, with streaky cream-and-brown breast and reddish-brown undertail. In flight, note rapid beating of long pointed wings, and long rounded tail shape while gliding.
New Zealand Falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae) - Earth Life
Jul 12, 2023 · The Karearea, or New Zealand Falcon, Falco novaeseelandiae, is New Zealand‘s only endemic falcon and indeed, the only remaining bird of prey endemic to New Zealand. It is frequently mistaken for the larger and more common Swamp Harrier.