Приложение № 2 к приказу Министерства. финансов Российской Федерации. от 27.11.2006 № 153н
Easy Ciphers Tools:
Encryption of a letter x by a shift n can be described mathematically as Plaintext: elkland. Decryption is performed similarly, (There are different definitions for the modulo operation. In the above, the result is in the range 0...25. I.e., if x+n or x-n are not in the range 0...25, we have to subtract or add 26.) Read more ...
kendall - written in most popular ciphers: caesar cipher, atbash ...
Atbash is an ancient encryption system created in the Middle East. It was originally used in the Hebrew language. The Atbash cipher is a simple substitution cipher that relies on transposing all the letters in the alphabet such that the resulting alphabet is backwards.
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