CDC - DPDx - Hymenolepiasis
Hymenolepiasis is caused by two cestodes (tapeworm) species, Hymenolepis nana (the dwarf tapeworm, adults measuring 15 to 40 mm in length) and Hymenolepis diminuta (rat tapeworm, adults measuring 20 to 60 cm in length).
About Hymenolepiasis (Dwarf Tapeworm) - CDC
Jul 11, 2024 · Dwarf tapeworm (i.e., Hymenolepis nana) is a type of parasitic tapeworm. The infection occurs worldwide. Adult dwarf tapeworms are very small compared to other tapeworms. They can be anywhere from 15 – 40 mm (up to 2 in.) in length. The adult dwarf tapeworm consists of many small parts called "proglottids."
CDC - DPDx - Intestinal (Non-Pathogenic) Amebae
Entamoeba coli, E. hartmanni, E. polecki, Endolimax nana, and Iodamoeba buetschlii are generally considered nonpathogenic and reside in the lumen of the large intestine in the human host.
About Nonpathogenic (Harmless) Intestinal Protozoa
Jun 17, 2024 · Other possible causes of your symptoms should be considered. To see whether you are infected with a pathogen (a disease-causing agent), your healthcare provider might want to check your stool for bacteria, viruses, or other parasites. Another possibility is that your symptoms are not caused by an infection.
CDC - DPDx - Amebiasis - Centers for Disease Control and …
Amebic colitis, or invasive intestinal amebiasis, occurs when the mucosa is invaded. Symptoms include severe dysentery and associated complications. Severe chronic infections may lead to further complications such as peritonitis, perforations, and the formation of …
CDC researchers link cancer cells from parasite to human tumors
H. nana infects up to 75 million people at any given time, making it the most common tapeworm infection in humans. People get the tapeworm by eating food contaminated with mouse droppings or insects or by ingesting feces from someone else who is infected.
CDC - DPDx - Dientamoeba fragilis Infection
Dientamoeba fragilis is a flagellate that lacks external flagella and therefore must be morphologically differentiated from the small nonpathogenic amebae (e.g., Endolimax nana, Entamoeba hartmanni). Dientamoeba fragilis trophozoites measure 5 to …
Clinical Care of Hymenolepiasis (Dwarf Tapeworm) - CDC
Nov 8, 2024 · Praziquantel is the treatment of choice for dwarf tapeworm infections. Niclosamide and nitazoxanide are the alternative drug options.
Intestinal Parasites | Immigrant and Refugee Health | CDC
Jan 30, 2025 · Persistent eosinophilia in a refugee is most likely due to parasitic infection, and the most commonly identified etiologies are failed treatments of strongyloidiasis, schistosomiasis, trichuriasis, and other commonly encountered parasites such as tapeworm (e.g., Hymenolepis nana, Taenia species [spp]). Persistent eosinophilia frequently ...
About Amebiasis | Amebiasis | CDC
May 2, 2024 · If you think you have amebiasis, see your healthcare provider. The disease can be difficult to diagnose. Most people with amebiasis don't get very sick. Everyone with amebiasis should receive medications to treat the infection.