Nassau County, NY - Official Website
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LandRecord Lookup - Nassau County, NY
| Land Records Viewer. Government. Departments
Nassau County - NCPD FOIL Request
Article 6 of the New York Public Officers Law (sections 84-90), which is also known as the Freedom of Information Law ("FOIL"), gives members of the public a right of access to …
Nassau County LRV Viewer
Nassau County 1926. Nassau County 1950. New York State Maps. NYS 2000. NYS 2004. NYS 2007. NYS 2010. NYS 2013. Identify. Measurement Tools ...
Map Viewer - Nassau County, NY
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"Nassau County - Long Island, New York"
The Nassau County Treasurer's Office handles Tax Lien Sales. You can contact them at (516) 571-2090 or visit their website at: www.nassaucountyny.gov/agencies/Treasurer. How can I …
"Nassau County - Long Island, New York"
Nassau County is a wonderful place to raise a family and enjoy a quality of life that is unsurpassed. The Nassau County Clerk's Office maintains a record of all Nassau County real …
Nassau County, NY
Nassau County Department of Assessment. All fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required
NASSAU COUNTY CLERK How to Obtain a Copy of Your Deed. Certified copies of deeds recorded at the County Clerk’s Office can be easily obtained . by coming into the office to do a …
Nassau County, NY - LandRecord Lookup
This viewer contains a set of property maps of every parcel within the County of Nassau. The public information contained herein is furnished as a public service by Nassau County for use …