Nebalia bipes - ADW
Nebalia bipes is a scavenger and detritivore, consuming dead and dying marine creatures found on the seafloor. It eats using its three mouthparts, the paired uniramous mandibles, uniramous first maxillae, and biramous second maxillae.
Untitled 1 [lanwebs.lander.edu]
Nebalia bipes occurs in vegetated areas of the northeastern coast and in Europe. Nebalia pugettensis is common on the west coast of North America in algae and mud near the low tide line. Nebalia is also found in the Florida Keys. The differences between the species are minor and any can be used for this study. Living or preserved specimens can ...
Nebalia bipes - Wikipedia
Nebalia bipes is a species of leptostracan crustacean, and the first species in the order to have been described (in 1780, under the name Cancer bipes). [2] It lives in coastal waters at depths of 5–60 m (20–200 ft), [3] under stones or among decaying organic matter where it is common and sometimes abundant. [4]
Leptostraca - Wikipedia
Leptostraca (from the Greek words for thin and shell) [3] is an order of small, marine crustaceans. Its members, including the well-studied Nebalia, occur throughout the world's oceans and are usually considered to be filter-feeders. [4] It is the only extant order in the subclass Phyllocarida.
Nebalia - Wikipedia
Nebalia is a large genus of small crustaceans containing more than half of the species in the order Leptostraca, [1] and was first described by William Elford Leach in 1814. [2]
Morphology of the compound eyes of Nebalia herbstii Leach, …
The Nebalia compound eyes are scotopic apposition eyes that provide a roundabout view. Each ommatidium is equipped with a large, layered retinula, a flat cornea, a eucone crystalline cone made of four cone cells, and eight retinula cells arranged in three cell pairs that exhibit mirror symmetry (R1/ …
Nebalia sp. 2: (A) lateral view; (B) eye, lateral view; (C) antennule ...
Only two species of Nebalia have been reported from the tropical or subtropical seas of Asia. Therefore, the new species is the first species of Nebalia found in the temperate zone of Asia.
Macrobenthos of the North Sea - Crustacea: Nebalia bipes
The bilobed carapace is large and covers the thorax and part of the abdomen and bears anteriorly a distinct, hinged rostral plate, which is laminar and without a terminal spine and covers the head. The eyes are well developed, red in living animals. The first antennae in both males and females are shorter in length than the second antennae.
Nebalia is a large genus of small crustaceans containing more than half of the species in the order Leptostraca, and was first described by William Elford Leach in 1814.
Nebalia sp. · BIODIDAC
Créé en 1995 pour fournir des images numériques gratuites pour l'enseignement de la biologie, BIODIDAC est une vaste collection de plus de 6 000 diagrammes et photographies liés à la biologie des organismes et à l'histologie. Cette nouvelle version présente des données descriptives et des classifications actualisées, en anglais et en français.<br /> <br /> Created in 1995 to provide ...