Should I get neon gobies (Elacatinus oceanops)? | Reef2Reef
Jun 22, 2022 · Elacatinus oceanops - The Biota captive bred Blue Neon Cleaner Goby, aka Neon Goby, is a small, hardy goby perfect for nano aquariums. This species is a facultative cleaner that will gently clean larger fish in your aquarium. They do not rely on cleaning large fish as a food source and will...
Neon bar goby with Yellow watchman goby? | Reef2Reef
Feb 19, 2024 · Thanks - I call those just "neon gobies". Bar gobies, Ptereleotris zebra would grow too large for your tank. An adult neon goby would be o.k. in your tank, but they are often sold as juveniles, at a smaller size, and then I'd worry that the pistol shrimp might knock it …
Neon Blue Cleaner Goby Ich? | Reef2Reef
Jan 6, 2023 · Hi, I got a neon blue cleaner goby about 2 weeks ago, and noticed some white dots on it, and am pretty certain it is ich. I tried a freshwater dip, and have been monitoring it but it seems to slowly progress. It is in a 5 gallon (cycled) quarantine tank, with an orchid dottyback, which has no signs of any disease.
Adding a second Neon Goby- How risky is it? | Reef2Reef
May 8, 2011 · The tank currently has one Neon Blue Goby and one Yellow Assessor in it. I really like the goby and would like to add another, but am concerned about DFS's warning about intra species aggression. Does anyone have experience adding a second Elacatinus fish to a tank that already contains a fish from that genus?
cleaner wrasse vs. neon goby? - Reef Central Online Community
Mar 24, 2008 · Neon gobies are captive bred and cleaner wrasses aren't. As mentioned repeatedly, their purpose for parasite control in our aquariums is pretty useless. Ich is only available to be 'picked off' by the cleaners during 1 stage of the Ich life-cycle.
Neon goby vs Sharknose goby | Reef2Reef - REEF2REEF Saltwater …
Nov 6, 2013 · I'm adding either a neon or Sharknose goby in my 40 breeder. I was wondering if they are any different in how they act/clean/personality etc.. Experience would be helpful and i am NOT getting a pair. Would like to know any experience with having either singly in a smaller tank. All advice is appreciated, thanks.
Neon goby breeding signs? | Reef2Reef
Sep 26, 2021 · Hello! I have an established saltwater tank with a neon blue goby I’ve had for probably 4-6 months now. I got a neon orange goby today (it’s a 30 gallon with plenty of live rock so I thought they would have room to get away from each other), and while feeding I noticed they were staying close to each other & would follow each other.
Neon Goby ick or? | Reef2Reef
Oct 29, 2022 · Neon and other Elacatinus gobies with ich look a bit different than other fish - the spots are more mucus-covered, and sometimes larger. What you are proposing to do is called "ich management", it works in some cases, but not all.
Sharknose or neon goby pairs | Reef2Reef
Mar 4, 2011 · Been looking for a bit now on the WWW for a pair of neon or sharknose gobies to start up in my 125 and possibly try to breed and raise. With no luck, looking to my fellow R2R members on a place to possibly get a pair, or possibly info on how to match a pair up. FYI, I tried with 2 sharknose recently with no luck.
are neon gobies similar to cleaner wrasse? | Reef2Reef
Feb 1, 2023 · neon gobies are harmless, they won't bother anything , and will only clean a fish if the fish lets it but bot aggressive style. I have 3 clown gobies in my tank with the neon goby, they are all fine. Reply