Nevadaite: Mineral information, data and localities. - mindat.org
Nevadaite mineral data, information about Nevadaite, its properties and worldwide locations.
The World's Rarest Minerals Are Finally Cataloged - Geology In
Nevadaite is one of the world’s rarest minerals. It is formed from the elements vanadium and copper under very specific and extreme environmental conditions. The mineral crystals are a bright blue color but microscopic.
Nevadaite - Wikipedia
Nevadaite is a pale-green to turquoise colored mineral belonging to the phosphate group. It exhibits a radial crystal habit consisting of prismatic crystals covering areas up to 2 cm. It has a pale-blue streak, a vitreous luster, and is not fluorescent. Nevadaite is in the orthorhombic crystal system and displays conchoidal fracture. [2]
Nevadaite Mineral Data
Location: Gold Quarry mine, Eureka Co., Nevada, USA. Scale: Picture size 2 cm. Pale green, Turquoise. Conchoidal - Fractures developed in brittle materials characterized by smoothly curving surfaces, (e.g. quartz). Acicular - Occurs as needle-like crystals. Crystalline - Fine - Occurs as well-formed fine sized crystals. Nevadaite!
Nevadaite (Cu. 2+,Al,V3+) 6 [Al 8 (PO 4) 8 F 8](OH) 2 (H 2 O) 22. Crystal Data: Orthorhombic. Point Group: mm2. Crystals prismatic on [001] in radiating clusters to 1 mm. Physical Properties: Cleavage: None. Fracture: Conchoidal. Tenacity: Brittle. Hardness = 3 D(meas.) = 2.54 D(calc.) = 2.55 . Optical Properties: Translucent. Color: Turquoise ...
Nevadaite, (Cu2+, Al, V3+)6 [Al8 (PO4)8 F8] (OH 2 (H2O)22, a new ...
Jan 1, 2004 · Nevadaite, (Cu2+, , Al, V3+)6 (PO4)8 F8 (OH)2 (H2O)22, is a new supergene mineral species from the Gold Quarry mine, near Carlin, Eureka County, Nevada, U.S.A. Nevadaite forms radiating clusters to 1 mm of prismatic crystals, locally covering surfaces more that 2 cm across; individual crystals are elongate on [001] with a length:width ratio of ...
NEVADAITE, (Cu2+, , Al, V3+)6 [Al8 (PO4)8 F8] (OH)2 (H2O)22, A …
Jun 1, 2004 · La névadaïte, (Cu 2+, , Al, V 3+ ) 6 (PO 4) 8 F 8 (OH) 2 (H 2 O) 22, est une nouvelle espèce minérale d’origine épigénétique découverte à la mine Gold Quarry, près de Carlin, comté d’Eureka, Nevada, aux Etats-Unis.
Nevadaite mineral information and data - dakotamatrix.com
Named for the state of its discovery, Nevada, in the United States, with the type locality at the Gold Quarry mine near Carlin. Nevadaite has on other locality in Kyrgyzstan at Kara-Chagyr Mountain.
Opal, Nevadaite, Fluellite, Hewettite, Strengite, Variscite
Aug 7, 2023 · “ The quintessential Gold Quarry Mine specimen - featuring brightly colored nevadaite associated with sharp transparent fluellite crystals, red-brown acicular hewettite and pale lime-yellow colored variscite, all on an opal / silicified chert matrix.
Very Rare Oregon Opal - thestonehunters.blogspot.com
Nevadaite (Cu2+,Al,V3+)6[Al8(PO4)8F8](OH)2·22H2O) is a category 1 and 2 rarity–formed from the scarce elements vanadium and copper under very restricted environmental conditions. The crystals are colorful but microscopic, and only known from two localities–Eureka County, Nevada, and a copper mine in Kyrgyzstan.