Nohkan - Wikipedia
The Nohkan (能 管) is a high pitched, Japanese transverse bamboo flute, or fue (笛). It is commonly used in traditional Imperial Noh and Kabuki theatre. The nohkan flute was created …
Nohkan (Flute) - Stanford University
The nohkan creates an ambiance that reflects the particular emotions of the play, the status or psychological mindset of a character in a given shōdan, and underlines the dramatic structure. …
Nohkan - Wikiwand
The nohkan or fue' ("flute") is made of split and tapered strips of smoked bamboo (susudake) or burned bamboo (yakidake), glued together to form a tapering conical bore. The smoking …
Nohkan Construction Flutes from Asia have traditionally been made from bamboo. Because this material is readily available in Asia, and because it has many uses, the techniques in working …
Nohkan Flute - Organology
The nohkan flute is a traditional high-pitched Japanese transverse bamboo flute, created in the 15th century by Kan’ami and his son Zeami. It is commonly used in Noh and Kabuki theatre, …
Nohkan Examples - Stanford University
Here, the shōga ' hi ' is used for two different sounds: the highest shrilling sound called hishigi, and the standard high-pitched sound. In the example, the hishigi sound appears in the middle …
能管(のうかん/横笛)は「能」や「狂言」、「歌舞伎」の囃子に用いられる笛です。 竹でできた長さ四十センチほどの横笛で、雅楽で用いる龍笛に似ており、指穴が七つあり、吹き口と指 …
nohkan (noh flute) - Japanese Wiki Corpus
Nohkan is a sort of the Japanese transverse flutes. It's used not only in "Noh" (traditional masked dance-drama), but also in "Kabuki" (traditional drama performed by male actors), …
Nohkan | the-Noh.com | Noh Terminology
Aug 4, 2009 · The nohkan is characterized by the nodo or “throat,” a small tube that is inserted between the mouthpiece and finger holes, which gives it its unique sound quality.
Nokan Japanese transverse flute Yokobue Gagaku – takaramon
The Nokan is a high pitched, Japanese transverse flute or fue/ Yokobue. It is commonly used in traditional Imperial Noh and Kabuki theatre. The nohkan flute was created by Kan'ami and his …