Throwback Thursday: Interstate Arms Hawk Model 982
Jul 14, 2017 · This shotgun is simply a Chinese made Remington 870 clone manufactured by Norinco and imported by Interstate Arms. Actually, copy is a better term than clone. The word clone implies that it is precisely the same in every way. However, not all aftermarket parts are interchangeable with the 870.
Range report: Norinco Hawk and H&R Pardner - Shotgun Forum
May 17, 2012 · This gun is actually a Norinco 982 Hawk, a clone of the Remington 870 with several improvements: stronger barrel locking lug, improved shell lifter, and really terrific ghost ring sights.
Review of Norinco 982T, 870 copy vs Reminton 870 Express HD
Jan 20, 2008 · It was made in the Hawk factory same as the 982, the only difference being it comes with a 14" bead-sighted barrel. This gun has gone through over 500 rounds of 3" buck, and 2 3/4" bird buck and slugs without any malfunction that wasn't me screwing up.
Norinco HP9-1 - Wikipedia
The Norinco HP9-1, also known as the Norinco N870-14.00 and Norinco M982, is a short pump action shotgun made by weapons manufacturer Norinco (North China Industries Corporation). This 12 gauge smoothbore shotgun has a 14-inch (36 …
Interstate Arms Hawk 982 12GA Pump Action Shotgun - Classic Firearms
Interstate Arms Hawk Model 982 12GA Pump Action Shotgun, 18.5" Barrel, 5+1 Capacity, All Steel Frame, Dual Action Pump Bars. This shotgun is patterned after the World Famous Remington 870.
Norinco 981/982 - Shotgun Forum
Oct 9, 2003 · I've got both the Norinco 982 w/ghostring sights and the Hawk 981 (identical to Norinco except for the markings) w/bead sight as beater/budget shotguns. Both have taken all the 870 accessories/parts I've tried (including a factory …
Oct 15, 2013 · This is a review of the chinese made "NORINCO" shotgun marketed by HAWK and imported by multiple companies such as DOMINION ARMS, H&R, IAC and etc. These are very reliable shotguns and ton of...
Buy Interstate Arms HAWK 12 GA PUMP DEFENSE SHOTGUN Online
The Hawk 12 gauge pump offers the look, feel and performance of one of America's most popular defense shotguns at a fraction of the price.
- Reviews: 136
ShotgunWeb: Norinco Hawk Model 982 shotgun
Patterned after Americas favorite 12 Ga pump, the Remington 870, Norincos Hawk Model 982 is the best quality value-priced shotgun currently on the firearms market. Designed for home defense, the 982 has a machined solid steel receiver and an 18 1/2.
Home-Defense Shotguns: We Compare Three Pump Actions
Sep 16, 2016 · The Hawk 982 is the least-expensive shotgun tested and among the least-expensive 12-gauge pumps we have tested. The Hawk never malfunctioned, never short cycled, and gave good results. The pattern with buckshot was slightly tighter than the other shotguns.