Cdf of standard normal - Mathematics Stack Exchange
Apr 8, 2017 · But when using Claude's eqtn(1) for erf(X) his adjusted cdf curve and your adjusted cdf curve are not coincident. $\endgroup$ – steveOw Commented May 12, 2022 at 23:01
statistics - CDF of standard normal random variable never actually …
The CDF of a standard normal random variable is never actually 0 or 1, they only approach 0 and 1, correct?
Inverse standard normal CDF - Mathematics Stack Exchange
Just to check on this, the R code for the standard normal CDF is pnorm, and the statement pnorm(0.8416212) returns 0.8 exactly. Here's how it looks in Minitab: MTB > invcdf .8; SUBC> …
Proof of upper-tail inequality for standard normal distribution
$\begingroup$ I have rolled back the edit made by Thor H. Jonsson who claimed that "integration by parts was wrong as the author forgot to differentiate the latter part of the integrand."
Expected value of normal CDF - Mathematics Stack Exchange
I think that the expected value of a CDF is $0.5$ but since $\Phi$ is the CDF of a standard normal CDF and $\frac{a-bX}{c}$ is not standard normal I do not think the expected value should be …
Distribution of the normal CDF of a normal random variable
Dec 13, 2016 · $\begingroup$ Thanks; great point. I guess my actual question is: Does the distribution of $\Phi(X)$ coincide with that of (perhaps a function of) another random variable …
real analysis - Asymptotics of inverse of normal CDF - Mathematics ...
Oct 22, 2018 · Let $\Phi(x)$ denote the cdf of the standard normal distribution. What are the asymptotics of $\Phi^{-1}(p ...
Integral involving the CDF of normal distribution
Integrating a special skew normal -- the CDF of a convolution of a normal with a truncated normal. 3.
"Closed-form" expression for CDF for a bivariate normal distribution.
Jul 16, 2021 · An interesting inequality about the cdf of the normal distribution. 0. Integral of a bivariate normal cdf. 3.
Truncated normal random variable - Mathematics Stack Exchange
Apr 25, 2017 · Find the cdf and quantile function for the truncated (at a) normal random variable given that $$\frac{\varphi(x) I_{x>a}}{1-\Phi(a)}$$ where $\varphi(x)$ is the density for standard …